lionhearted CEO mastermind

imagine going into January & 6 figures is already your minimum.

your revenue doesn’t rely on your time & energy & there’s no pressure to show up and sell.

in 6 months, this is what we’ll create 

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you're smashing it,

You’ve got a thriving business. You’re hitting 5 figure months pretty consistently, you have a camera reel full of screenshots from clients who are getting insane results, and a reputation that's growing by the day.

You’ve gone beyond 1:1 and have scalable offers, systems and team support. You know you have all the elements but the ‘ease’, time freedom & predictable revenue you thought you’d have by now just isn’t quite there.

Let’s face it, you know you can (and do!) pour your time and energy into creating big revenue months.

But you’re ready to be able to pour that time & energy somewhere else whilst feeling confident you have 5 figure months locked in months in advance.

Oh hello!

If we haven’t met I’m Sophie, fast talking, highly creative problem solver who has spent the last 7 years working with hundreds of women to grow their business using simple, effective marketing strategies that are powered by Meta ads.

In 2022 my revenue was ÂŖ40k. In 2023 it was ÂŖ120k. 2024 is on track to be over ÂŖ200k.

But the real surprise? Between hitting ÂŖ120k in 2023 and the end of 2024 I will have completely changed my business model.

In 2023 I hit my first ÂŖ10k month with 2 1:1 offers. By October I was exhausted, burnout out and when I wanted to take time off for Christmas, I realised I’d have to stop onboarding clients and let my revenue drop.

That’s when I knew I needed to do it differently.

I created a truly scalable offer (The Audience Builder Course), built an ads funnel to sell it, created 6 ways it could be sold, by me and other people and put systems and a team in place to support its success.

Suddenly I had an offer I could sell all year around, as many as I wanted and it wouldn’t cost me any time or energy.

Having this in place then allowed me the time and space to create other scalable ways to build my revenue, including a small team to support with client delivery for my long term management clients.

The way I have built my Superfans system, stacked my revenue and leant into leading my business the way I want it to go means I now have 5 figures secure for the next 6 months and beyond.

I created this mastermind not to to help you replicate my business. But for you to build what works for you using the same principles.

introducing: the lionhearted ceo mastermind

an experience designed for online service businesses, coaches & course creators whoâ€Ļ

- want multiple ways to stack revenue so sales are coming in without needing to be online and drive sales every day

- want that confidence that even if sales dip you still know that you have 20k minimum secured because you’re not reliant on one offer AND are constantly bringing new buyers in

- know that consistent revenue means the opportunity to invest, grow the team and streamline the business.

- are ready to create time and space to do the big thingsâ€Ļ whether that’s writing a book, launching a podcast, buying a new house or building wealth for future financial security.

Sophie collaborates with you to construct a funnel, crafts content, tests the ads, and hones your overall marketing strategy. It's incredibly rare to find someone who can think with such precision and apply Facebook ads to reinforce your marketing efforts so strategically.

Sophie provided invaluable guidance in developing a coherent customer journey and taught us the importance of not just 'spraying' ads randomly but creating a targeted approach.

I wholeheartedly recommend Sophie. Her infectious enthusiasm, sharp insights, and ability to impart clarity to complex processes make her a joy to work with.

Dr Rachel Morris, Wild Monday

the Experience

There are 5 key elements that will give you the depth, support, and rocket fuel to skyrocket your business:

  • masterminding

    Forget boring hot seats. Our bi-weekly calls are where the real magic happens. We'll dive deep into your challenges, celebrate wins that matter, and tap into the collective genius of badass women who get it.

  • Funnel feedback

    No more second-guessing your marketing. Get my eyes (and my team's expertise) on your ads, emails, and sales pages. We'll turn your funnels from meh to money-making machines.

  • expert training

    Quarterly deep dives into what matters NOW. Think less 'random guru of the month' and more 'holy shit, this is exactly what I needed'. We're talking strategic, actionable insights you can implement immediately.

  • community

    A bullshit-free zone where ambitious women lift each other up. Share wins, vent frustrations, and find your next collaboration partner. It's like the best group chat ever, but for your business.

  • quarterly luxury retreat

    Every quarter we'll escape the everyday hustle for 2-day strategy intensives. we'll escape for 2-day intensive planning sessions. Think big ideas, deeper connections, and seriously good food.

it’s not just about the logistics though, is it?

let’s take a vibe checkâ€Ļ

⚡ The phrase "I just need to implement what I already know" keeps you up at night, along with the guilt of not doing so.

⚡ You're tired of being sold the "magic bullet" that will solve all your business woes, only to find it's another generic solution that doesn't really help.

⚡ You've got a nagging feeling that you're overcomplicating things, but can't quite figure out how to simplify without sacrificing results.

⚡ Your idea of a perfect mastermind includes deep business talk followed by equally passionate discussions about food, your latest slightly-woo obsession, holiday recommendations and TV that's actually worth watching.

⚡ The idea of a business retreat that includes both strategic planning and a great cheese board sounds like heaven to you.

⚡ You're looking for a mastermind that understands success isn't just about revenue goals, but also about creating a life you love outside of work.

If you're nodding along, congratulations! You've found your perfect mastermind match. ❤ī¸

the details:

Exclusive Access: Limited to just 6 impatiently fiercely ambitious women

Kickoff: We hit the ground running early October

Commitment: 6 months to start, with quarterly renewal to keep the momentum going


  • Go All In: ÂŖ6,500 + VAT (one-time payment for full 6 months)

  • Quarterly Power-Ups: ÂŖ3,295 + VAT (two payments)

  • Monthly Momentum: ÂŖ1,111 + VAT (six payments)


  • Call Schedule: Dates and times for mastermind calls to be confirmed once the group is formed

  • Retreats: Quarterly retreat dates will be set based on group availability & will be in the UK

  • Online Platform: Our private community space is hosted in Slack

it's time

Ready to join this powerhouse group? Here's what happens next:

  1. Click the "Apply Now" button below (your future self will thank you)

  2. Fill out a brief application (we keep it short and sweet)

  3. We'll review your application and schedule a call to discuss your goals and vision

“I was already running ads when I started working with Sophie. I wanted to understand how to implement an ads strategy to scale the ads & revenue, test them to get the best results, as well as optimise my lead magnet to attract people most likely to buy.

After working together for 3 months, I now have ads that deliver sustainable sales of ÂŖ8-10k per month from just one ÂŖ97 course!

I also understand how to test & optimise new ads and I feel more relaxed about them. Sophie is incredibly easy to work with and She understood exactly what I wanted to achieve.”

Kasia Clarke, Artist

"Sophie has a brilliant mind with an incredible ability to synthesize multiple aspects of my business into a cohesive, strategic plan.

She quickly grasps what's important to me - my goals, preferences, and the different roles of various platforms in my business. Then, she seamlessly integrates it all into a simple, neat, and effective strategy.

What impresses me most is how Sophie optimizes every piece of content, creating a system that efficiently moves people from cold prospects to hot leads using smart automations. Her approach has made my entire brand feel more professional and effective.

Perhaps what I appreciate most about working with Sophie is that she thinks as fast as I do. She instantly understands everything I say, which makes our collaboration both productive and enjoyable. Her strategic insights have truly transformed my business."

Gemma Gilbert, Evergreen Group Programme Coach


  • The LionHearted CEO Mastermind is perfect for you if you're a woman entrepreneur earning ÂŖ5-8k/+month, feeling overwhelmed by your business, and ready to scale strategically. If you're ambitious, impatient for growth, and want to build a business that runs smoothly without your constant attention, you’re in the right place!

  • The Mastermind is for established online service businesses who are at, or striving to get to ÂŖ10k+ months.

    Example businesses include: coaches, course creators & done-for-you providers.

    It’s not suitable for ecom businesses, in-person businesses, MLMs or any business where you don’t have ownership of your email list or website.

  • In 2023 I generated over 6 figures with an ad spend of ÂŖ3k (around ÂŖ10/day) and a combined email and social media audience of under 3k.

    This isn’t about expensive ad funnels or huge audiences - its about leveraging what you are already doing into a system that creates an audience of superfans & generates revenue while you concentrate on what you WANT to be doing.

  • The strategies I have successfully used for my own business and my clients are powered by Meta (FB & IG) ads so you’re going to get the most from the Mastermind if you:

    • have run ads in the past and feel reasonably confident running them again,

    • have someone in your team who could run ads for you,

    • are running ads yourself at the moment.

  • The beauty of the LionHearted CEO approach is that it's designed to free up your time, not add to your workload. You'll leave with a clear, actionable plan that fits into your current business, helping you work smarter, not harder.

  • Not at all! Whether you're a solopreneur or have a small team, you'll learn strategies to optimize your current setup and plan for future growth.

  • To ensure personal attention and high-quality support, the Mastermind is limited to 10 women.

Having toe dipped into Ads before with a somewhat scatter gun approach, Sophie helped me navigate the back end and set up Ads to grow my list. I have been thrilled with the results - over 200 leads in a month and sales conversions already! Sophie knows her stuff and has been exactly what I needed - regular updates, quick explanations and tweaks when needed. Perfect for me.

Mills Gray, Business Coach & Mentor

This isn't just another mastermind.

It's your springboard to creating a business that thrives on your terms. We're talking smart systems, strategic ads, and an offer suite that has your ideal clients lining up - all without the constant hustle.

No more flying solo or second-guessing your next move. Just you, me, and a group of ambitious women ready to redefine what success looks like.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to step into your power as a true CEO and build a business that lights you up?

Let's make it happen ❤ī¸

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