Mastering Masterclass Ads: 5 Steps to Filling Your September Masterclass with Ease using Facebook Ads

Mastering Masterclass Ads: 5 Steps to Filling Your September Masterclass with Ease using Facebook Ads

What's this episode of the lionhearted ceo podcast about?

Discover how to create a sold-out masterclass using Meta ads and the Superfan System for maximum conversions

Lovely listeners, are you ready to transform your September launch into a Taylor Swift-level event? Let's dive into my proven 5-step approach to creating a masterclass that not only fills seats but also seamlessly leads to sales!

Here's what you'll discover:

  • Why starting your masterclass prep 3 months in advance is crucial for success

  • How to create a golden thread from lead magnet to offer using the ROAR framework

  • The secret to priming your audience with organic and paid content

  • My ideal timeline for running masterclass ads (and why longer isn't always better)

  • How to structure your masterclass to naturally lead to your paid offer

You'll learn how to turn your masterclass into a powerful client attraction tool, just like we did for a recent client who achieved a 35p cost per lead and over 2,200 attendees! Are you ready to say goodbye to launch anxiety and hello to a stress-free, high-converting event?

Tune in now, and let's set you up for a September launch that feels more like a celebration than a guessing game!

Hi! I’m your host Sophie Griffiths, a Meta ads expert and business growth strategist.

The LionHearted CEO podcast is designed for impatiently ambitious women who are ready to scale and often juggling motherhood alongside their thriving online businesses in coaching, course creation, or service-based business.

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Ready to grow an audience of people who WANT you to sell to them? Radical idea I know, but it shouldn’t be! Click here to get access to my step by step guide to using simple, effective ads to build & nurture a community of superfans,

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Ready to build an audience of superfans who are excited and ready to buy from you?
Whether you are just starting with Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Ads, you have dabbled but want to build your confidence with your first funnel, or you're already killing it and you're ready for fast growth - I can help! Click here to choose the best option for you

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NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. [00:00:00] Hello and a big welcome to Lionhearted CEO, the podcast for unapologetically, impatiently ambitious women who know they want to stop being the bottleneck in their business and become the Lionhearted CEO they know they are meant to be. I'm Sophie Griffiths, a tea enthusiast, marketing and Metis ad specialist and firm believer. The chocolate should never be kept in the fridge. Join me every Tuesday and Thursday for bold, imperfect, fun approach to marketing and scaling your business without burning out every few months. We'll dive into practical strategies and have inspirational conversations that will support you to create a thriving, sustainable business that brings you joy as well as financial freedom. Okay, let's jump in. I love you and welcome to this week's episode. So today I'm going to be talking all about masterclasses and how we can use ads to fill them, but also what we need to do before we start running the ads to make sure [00:01:00] that they are really successful and do what we want them to do for our business. Now, September is a really, really popular time to be running masterclasses. And the biggest thing that I get, and I know I'll get it this year, is towards the end of August, early September, I will start getting people coming to me saying, I'm running a masterclass in a couple of weeks and I really want to run ads to it. I want to make it really successful. I want loads more people there. And let me be totally straight with you at this point. I'm like, okay, by the time we start working together, by the time I understand what you're actually doing, by the time we get the ads set up. You're not leaving us a huge amount of time here. It's not my recommended way to work at all. So today I'm going to tell you what is my recommended way to do it. And essentially that means starting around now. Now you're not going to be promoting the masterclass right now, but there are some foundational things that we need to get in place. And once you get them in Over time, then yes, you absolutely can start jumping in and running ads for your masterclass really last minute. [00:02:00] Most clients, I only run ads to masterclasses for about seven to 10 days before the actual masterclass, but we've done a huge amount of foundational work in the run up and that's really what I'm going to talk to you about today. The foundational work you need to do in the run up, how you can prime people for your masterclass before you actually start promoting it. And then those exciting ads that we can run to actually get people onto the masterclass. I am doing this episode now because I've actually just run a campaign for a client for a masterclass and between their organic and their ads, we managed to get over 2, 200 people on the masterclass. The ads were coming in at 35 P per lead, which is absolutely incredible. Typically masterclass ads cost more than it costs to get someone onto your email list with a lead magnet. But we've done so much foundational work since October. We really nailed the build up to this and it was an absolutely incredible masterclass. Now, it only ran yesterday as I'm recording this, so I can't give you the outcome of the sales. I will give it to you in a [00:03:00] future episode, but I know it's going to have incredible sales off the back of it as well. And then the final thing I just want to say before I jump into these five things I'm going to talk to you about today. Now, generally I am not a launch ads strategist. Okay. So some people have a full launch model and what for me that means is that two or three times a year you do a really, really big launch. What I call it is like an all eggs in one basket launch and you get the people into whatever you're selling and then that's kind of it until the next time you launch. Now there's nothing wrong with that model in itself. For me, that kind of really burns my nervous system out. There's not a cycle that does very well for my nervous system, but for some clients, they absolutely thrive on it. And that's amazing. The biggest issue I have with that model is that when you close the doors and it's like, right, we're not taking any more clients down until, you know, we next launch, I'm just going to really focus in on the clients I've got. Amazing. But what also tends to happen is that audience building slows right down, almost stops. And you're not selling any kind of [00:04:00] mini offers or there's nothing really going on in between those launch periods. And often ads stop as well, because if you're not bringing new clients in, then you're not offsetting the ads with any revenue. And then it becomes harder to justify. So what tends to happen is then you get to a launch period and suddenly you start to have to spend a lot of money on ads. So you're spending thousands of pounds on ads in the run up to the launch in the hope that you get the right people at the right time. They're, you know, totally new to you cold. So you have to like go really all in on nurturing and converting them like really, really quickly and that they end up buying. Now this worked really, really well a few years ago, probably probably a bit before COVID probably like the few years before COVID over COVID and then maybe like the year after. But the last few years, so many clients come to me and said, I used to run like a three day launch challenge and I'd run ads and I'd get loads of people signed up and I'd And then they come to this three day challenge. I get loads of people buying, and [00:05:00] I've tried to replicate that the last few years or even the last year, and it's just not working like people aren't. Signing up for things as much. The ads are a lot more expensive. People are still signing up, but then they don't actually convert. And I'm just finding that people are buying in a very different way. They really want to build that connection, that relationship, that trust with you. So you will still get people who do find you jump in really quickly. Okay. But it's becoming much harder and much more expensive, like having to spend a lot more money, getting a lot more people in to get those conversion rates compared to what you used to have to do. So my preference is that we do audience building. We sell offers, even if they're small offers. and we nurture people still reasonably intensively all through the year. And then launch periods are more a case of connected and coordinated messaging. So we, yeah, we might run a masterclass or we might get people onto it, but it's not a case of like, Suddenly, a load of new people are dropping into a world is actually more a case of like [00:06:00] rallying all your whole audience. We're creating these super fans, like all these people who've been around and they've kind of tested out some of your smaller offers. This is their chance to jump into your big offer and having them there the whole year or, you know, having them there a few months before you do the launch is going to be so much more effective than trying to get them to come in and then sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, and get them what you want them to do within the space of a week or two. That's my view on launching. So I am a full advocate for masterclasses. I love them. I think they convert really, really well. I think it's an amazing opportunity for you to have that face time and connect with your audience and help them understand who you are and what you offer and build that trust and authority. But in terms of launching, I would say. You need to be doing the foundational work all through the year to make sure that these launches are really successful and not just kind of having periods where it's like client focus work only. Okay. Now I'm in launch mode. And then back to client work because that just takes a real disconnect for your business. [00:07:00] And means there's so much more pressure on the launch because there's a load of new people coming into your world and you just don't know what they're going to do. That's enough of me talking about that. Let me start talking about the five things that you need to do to create a really successful masterclass in September. So the first thing is, and how you probably won't be surprised about this. If you listen to any of my previous episodes, you need to create a lead magnet that links seamlessly through to your masterclass. Now. There's an episode in the Client Cure mini series I did a few weeks ago. I think it's the fourth episode of that where I talk about creating a golden thread through your offers. Now the same concept absolutely applies to this. So when you're in the buildup, so we're talking really about three months out We want to be building our list and getting people in on that lead. So we need to be working backwards from my offer. Okay. What masterclass would sell my offer? And then back a step again, what lead magna is going to be of interest to people and then lead on like seamlessly into the [00:08:00] masterclass. So there are two ways to approach lead magnets and masterclasses. Generally, lead magnets are either very specifically into one part of what you teach. So it could be something really specific. Like I could have a lead magnet that writing really great copy for your lead ads that converts. Okay. That would be a really specific thread of what I do. That could be a lead magnet, or I could talk about my overarching framework. So I've got one that's my superfam system. And that gives you that overarching framework of the different elements to the SuperFan system and how you can apply that to your business. So those are the generally the two types of lead magnet. And then the masterclass tends to build on that. So the masterclass can then be the opposite, which works quite nicely. So if you've got the single thread, like the lead ad copy one, the masterclass then might go into the overarching framework. So how do we take that lead ad copy and how do we pull it into a framework that gets you clients? Thanks. Versus the [00:09:00] superfan system one, I might take that and then the masterclass might be how to take a specific element of that. So let's say how to use lead ads to grow an audience of clients. So that's the kind of build on it. It's like, okay, you've got the overarching framework. Let's go into more depth on one bit. And then obviously the program at the end for either of those would be the same because it would build on my superfan system and it would teach you how to implement the system. So that is how you could kind of build a lead magnet, a masterclass and an author golden thread through all of those. So that's the first thing you really need to think about your lead magnet about three months out and start to then use lead ads to grow your email list and get people in who then are going to be interested in your masterclass because you're intentionally building it out. Okay. Step two. Now a big part of my superfans method is optimizing your social media content. So this isn't all going to be about ads. We need to prime people in our organic content as well. And by organic content, I do mean Instagram, [00:10:00] Facebook, LinkedIn, whatever you use, but also email. If you have a podcast, a long form content also can be incredibly powerful, whether that's Instagram lives, podcasts. YouTube videos, even blogs, although I would say voice and like face recognition is a bit more powerful than reading. But if you do really prefer blogs, that also can work, but there has to be long form content that is priming people towards the masterclass and towards your offer as well. So kind of really digging into what's stopping people writing really effective lead ad copy. So for the example I just gave, You know, priming people around the Superfans system. What is it? What are the four different steps? How does that come to life? How do I use that with clients? There's loads and loads of different content I could use that would start to prime people about it. Without necessarily having a specific call to action at that point, but they start to understand the concept of it, how it applies, see the social proof, see how I use it in my business. And suddenly as people come into [00:11:00] your world and you're dripping through this content that really directly leads them to your masterclass, it's priming them every single time. That when you actually talk about the masterclass, it's just really obvious that that, of course, like, of course, that's the next step. Of course, I want to do the masterclass. I've heard so much about it. Now I want to know how to implement it. Well, I want to know how to go deeper on like lead ads and actually reach behind your clients and get them to be excited to work with me. It just feels like a really logical next step.z The people are really excited for, and that's really what we're going for. This isn't about filling a masterclass and just getting as many people there as possible. It's about getting people there who are excited and like, yeah, absolutely I want to buy her course. I'm going to do her masterclass. I can get a little bit of a flavor for it first and ask my question and just make sure that it's a hundred percent the right thing for me. So we really want to be priming with our organic content. So email social media and long form content as well. So lots of good priming content. Again, I ideally in the three months before. But definitely in the six weeks [00:12:00] before every single piece of content has to be like this kind of priming content, but you definitely want to make sure you've got at least one or two pieces a week so that you're really kind of flowing through into where you want to go. Okay. Then the next thing is the actual masterclass itself. So when we're designing the masterclass again, we just need to have this intentionality and thought about it. How do I go from masterclass into my offer? How do I make that really obvious? What is that golden thread? You'd be really surprised how many people run masterclasses that are really good as standalone masterclasses. They get really good signups and people are really interested in the topic they've chosen. And that's normally the reason they've chosen it. My audience told me this is what they want is normally what I would get told. So my audience told me that they wanted a masterclass on this. So I want to get as many people there as possible. I want to give them what they want, right? We're always told that give your audience what you want. Listen to them. If that masterclass doesn't link through to your actual [00:13:00] offer. So if it's too much of a leap, if it's too disconnected. You're not going to get the right people on the masterclass who then want to buy your offer. So let's say you are a business coach and you do like business strategy and mindset strategy as well. And you realize that something people really, really struggle with is money mindset, like knowing what to charge for their offers. So you run a masterclass, so you have your lead magnet. It's all about money mindset. And then you have your masterclass. That's all about like, you know, the techniques you can use to master your money mindset and charge effectively for your offers. Now that would work really, really well if your offer flowed really nicely through into your business. into your program where money mindset was a big component and maybe there's other components as well around strategy and then creating the offer that you then use the money mindset to sell. However, if your offer is then about creating an evergreen group program, like yes, you might need some money mindset for that, but can you see how there's a bit more of a disconnect? Actually, the main purpose of your offer is to create an evergreen group [00:14:00] program, let's say. The messaging you're going to have to switch to after the masterclass to sell the program is going to be wildly different to what you've gone in with. Now there might be some money mindset elements within that group program, but actually if the majority of it is focusing on creating the idea and the curriculum and building the content, like, you know, all that sort of stuff, it's not actually rooted in that money mindset, which is what you've brought people in on. So I think it's really important to just, again, work your way back, have that intentionality and just really make sure that you're. Masterclass topic and the content you're covering within your masterclass leads really nicely and easily into your offer. By the end of the masterclass, you should have like referenced your offer a few times and it should be the most natural thing in the world to talk about your offer and this is why they should jump in. So that's the third thing. Okay. Now step four is the actual ads. So we've got our lead ads running, which leads beautifully into our masterclass. And then the masterclass leads beautifully into our offer. And we've [00:15:00] got that golden thread running through our lead ads have been running and getting people on the list and they're seeing our organic content. They're starting to be primed. We know that they understand the concepts we're talking about. We've got all these people in our world that are interested in the topic of the masterclass that we're going to be doing. So let's dig into the nuts and bolts of this ad campaign to promote your masterclass. So the first thing we need to do is work backwards. Okay. So we've got the date for our masterclass and then we want to work backwards. When are we going to start promoting it? Now, from an ad's perspective, I normally recommend between about seven to 10 days, two weeks maximum. Okay. These ads are I'm going to be driving people to sign up directly. Once people sign up, we don't really want to have a massive gap between when they sign up and when the masterclass is. Cause it's so easy to forget that you've signed up and you just kind of like lose your focus. So once they've signed up, we really want them to be in our world, signed up, ready to go. So I generally recommend about 10 days for the, that's the first thing to think about. So before that 10 days, you could absolutely [00:16:00] promote it organically. You could start dropping into your stories, you know, adding it to emails, that sort of thing. But from an ad's perspective, I would tend to do about 10 days. Now, with any ad campaign that I set up, there are four things that I go through with my clients to make sure that we are going to get the best results possible. The first is what action do we want people to take? So this is where we're going to choose our campaign objective. Okay. Now with masterclasses, we tend to send people to a landing page rather than getting them to fill a form in on Facebook. It's my preference to send them to a landing page as well, because you can give a little bit more context. You can give them more information. You can get them to sign up and then when they sign up, you can automatically redirect them to another landing page where you could either have a video of you welcoming them and you've got the opportunity to add any links there, get them to add the master class to their calendar. You know, there's all sorts of things you can do on that website page that you can't do as easily in lead forms. So I'm using landing pages for master class ads generally. [00:17:00] So when we're talking about action. We want to find people who are likely to give us their details. Okay. That really helps us when we're looking at our objectives, because the objective that optimizes for people who are likely to give you their details is leads. So we're going to select the leads objective. That's the action we want people to take to give us their information. So normally their name and email address. Then the next question we ask ourselves is, who do I want to see this ad? So we've got two layers of options here. The first one is, is this to my warm audience or to my cold audience? So that's the first decision we need to make with our ads. Now for masterclass ads, I actually tend to do both. So I tend to have two ad sets within my campaign. One that's going out to totally new people to bring them into my world. One that's going out to people that are already in my world because with the best will in the world, even with our social media and our email content going out, not everybody is going to see it. So we want to make sure that our warm audience are seeing that we've got a masterclass running as [00:18:00] well. But we also want to make sure that new people see that we've got a masterclass and can jump in as well. Now, a slight word of warning here, like as I talked about at the beginning, if we put all of our eggs in the cold audience basket and hope that we can just bring in a load of new people and they're going to be the ones that come to the masterclass and then buy our offer. That might be where you're disappointed. It's always, always worth getting new people in. Like you absolutely can get new people in and they can join the masterclass and join your offer. However, often I say to clients, the cold audience we are bringing in now are going to be the ones that are going to buy your next launch because they're gonna come in, they're gonna experience it all. Some will buy. The majority won't. But if we can do a really good job in between and the next launch, they're going to be the ones that are ready and waiting to buy. But you need to continue to compound that and build that. If you do that every single launch, you're always going to have an audience to sell to every launch because you have accumulated those people over time. You're not just hoping these people are going to buy the launch [00:19:00] and then you're just going to discard them for a few months and hope that you get new people in for the next launch. So cold audience and warm audience. If you have a limited budget, I would actually just go for warm audience. I would double down on the people that are already in your world. Make sure that you just get as many of those people who already know you, trust you, understand what you do. Just get as many of them onto that masterclass as possible. If you don't have the budget to do both warm and cold. Then double down on the warm. That would always be my advice because you can build your cold audience in between lead ads. And hopefully you have been building your cold audience with lead ads for the few months in advance. So you've got people there already. So for the purposes of this, I'm going to talk about warm audience and cold audience. But you can just choose to do warm. So warm audience, what we're going to do is a combination of all the people in our world. So we're going to create custom audiences. We're going to upload our email list. We're going to use people who've engaged in our social media. We're going to use people who filled in our [00:20:00] lead ads. We are going to use people who've been on our website because ideally we've got the pixel on the website so we can do that. We're going to do people who've watched over 25 percent of our videos that are over a minute long. And we're going to want all people who've watched 95 percent of any videos that are under a minute long. And this is called stacking your warm audience. So what we're actually doing is creating pools of people across our world. So these are all warm people who are in our world. They've given us their details. They showed us they're interested in some way, and we are pulling it all together. We're creating all these audiences. And all of these audiences sit in one ad set. So all of these audiences line up and create our warm audience. Okay. So that's who is going to see those ads. Then our cold audience, we choose between a lookalike audience and an interest based audience. Lookalike audience is all of those people I've just talked about. So all of those audiences on our website and email and social media. It's saying, take those people and find me [00:21:00] people who look like them. So that's a lookalike audience. And then interest based is like your demographic. So it's like parents who are interested in yoga and use gusto. Okay. You know, that's who, that's how you build out. And then that's the kind of thing you'd be using for an interest based audience. So generally speaking, I'd go for an interest based audience as a starting point. And you're going to be using between three to five interests that kind of group together to find the right kind of people. Okay. Cool. I wouldn't get too hung up on the audience interest, especially if you're in an area where you're never going to find like the perfect match. Some of my clients. Their clients are doctors and it's incredibly easy to target doctors on Facebook because you've got their job title and where they trained. Other people target, let's say women who have had multiple miscarriages. Now that is never going to be an interest in Facebook. You can't target pregnancy. You can't target anything related to that. So actually what you need to do is think about more of like the type of person. [00:22:00] So let's say people who are interested in, you know, yoga, healthy food, and self development. Let's say those might be your type of people. So you need to put together a little bit more of a rounded picture. But as I said, don't get too hung up on that because the actual key to finding your ideal clients is going to be in the ads. Okay. It's going to be in your messaging and in your copy. So that's the last question you need to ask yourself. Once you've decided what action you want people to take, So give you their details, which audience you're going to go to, so warm, cold, and then under that, which of those audiences you're going to use. And then the last one is what do I want them to see? Now within this, there are three things as well. So there's the copy you use, there's the visual you create, so whether that's an image or a reel, and then there's your call to action. So the copy is your primary text, and that's essentially like a caption. In like the organic social media world. So that's your like longer copy that you're writing, but you've also then [00:23:00] got a headline to write. And of course you can include copy on your image as well. The actual image itself can be a static image. I say generally reels are working really, really well at the moment. Very clear, short video, like maybe like five to 10 seconds and then very clear writing on the actual reel. But it does vary. I always test different ones for different clients. And in the audience builder course, my DIY Facebook ads course, I do actually have a lot of Canva templates in there for you to use. For the images as well. And you can just kind of plug your content into it with changes of brand colors, and you can use those as well. And then the last thing is your call to action. So you get a button. On your ad that you can choose what that says. Now, generally I would choose either learn more or sign up. I've done a lot of testing with clients on this button, I guess, on that button specifically. I have found generally that learn more works better. I think it feels less loaded, less like, Oh my God, if I click this [00:24:00] signup button, like what's going to happen, what am I going to be committed to? And it feels a little bit more like you're in control. Like I'm going to learn more and then I'm going to sign up. But signup does also work really well and it does really depend on your audience. So you've got to choose the button and also just a note to say that in the primary copy, so in your actual caption, I would always have a very clear guide on exactly what you want someone to do. So at the bottom, I always end with something like. Click the sign up button below to, to get your spot in the master class or something like that. Okay. We want to tell people exactly what we want them to do down to like, click the sign up button, not just like sign up now. We need to make sure we tell them exactly what to do. So those are the kind of things you're going to be thinking about in the actual. So at this point, you understand what kind of action you want people to take, the audience that you're going to be showing it to, and then what you're going to be showing them. So at this point, you can then build all of that out in Facebook, and then I would start running them about [00:25:00] 10 days out. Now, the big question here, and this is always the big question, is budget. Well, how much should I be spending on these apps, Sophie? And it's a really good question. And part of it will be based on how much your lead ads are costing you. So if you going out to consumers, so doctors or parents or people that don't run their own businesses, basically, you will probably be getting much lower lead costs. My baseline for you would be ideally, I'd be looking at under a pound for your lead ads. Whereas if you're going out to other businesses, my baseline would be, I'd be looking for under three pounds for your lead ad costs. Because in my experience, it's just a lot more expensive generally to go to other businesses than it is to go to consumers. So, and the same applies for masterclasses. Generally, it's cheaper to get people who are consumers to sign up to your masterclass than it is other businesses. So if you are going out to consumers, like the [00:26:00] example that I gave you at the beginning, one where we're getting 35 P leads to get people to sign up to the masterclass, that's a consumer business. If that was going out to other businesses, I'd be even more excited about the results. Generally, if you're going out to other businesses, I actually find that it's more expensive anywhere from the same as your lead ad cost. So whatever that is, could be roughly the same as that up to about, Between five and eight pounds is really normal for a masterclass sign up, especially if you're doing something that's over multiple days. So if you're doing, I'm talking about masterclasses, but this applies to three day challenges and multiple day events essentially. So the more you're asking of someone to do, the more you're asking them to commit to, the more you're asking them to sign up to. The more the ads are going to cost, essentially, the bigger ask is of them, the more it's going to cost in terms of getting someone to sign up because the less people are likely to sign up because it's more of a commitment. If you're going out to a warm audience [00:27:00] and your warm audience isn't huge, I would be looking at somewhere between five to 10 pounds a day. And when I say isn't huge, I mean, isn't like over, the like 100, 000 kind of mark, five to 10 pounds a day. It's really going to support your organic activity. So those ads are never going to suddenly drive like hundreds and hundreds of people to sign up. Your organic activity is going to really lead it. And your ads are going to support for five to 10 pounds a day, just to your warm audience. That's what those ads are going to do. They're going to make sure people see it and they're going to get people there. So it's going to give you the best outcome with the audience you've already got. If you're going out to a cold audience, I would be starting at a minimum of around 10 to 15 a day. And you can always drop that down depending on your average cost. So I was spending 15 a day on these ads that came in at 35p. If we were budget conscious and we were worried about the amount we were spending, knowing that I was getting 35p a lead, I could have dropped that down and still got an amazing amount of signups every single day. [00:28:00] But I'd start between 10 to 15 pounds a day. And this is where you're going to bring those new people into your world. That's where you're going to suddenly be able to get a lot more people in. But just like, let's just put it into context. If you're going out to other businesses and you're spending 10 pounds a day, and it's costing you five to eight pounds to get someone to sign up to the masterclass, You're only going to be getting one or two people a day. So if you run that for 10 days, you're going to be looking at between 10 and 20 extra people on your masterclass. So you really need to think about that. Running masterclass ads to a cold audience can be quite expensive. So some of my clients are spending between 120 and 150 pounds a day on their masterclass ads for the 10 days beforehand. So spending about 1500 pound. However, they run high ticket programs. And if one person signs up, Then that's like worth about nine grand to them. So spending 1500 pounds on ads suddenly doesn't seem quite so disproportionate. And that's [00:29:00] really what you've got to focus on. The cost per lead isn't the cost to get someone on a masterclass. It's the cost to get someone on a masterclass who could then potentially become a client. So. I think it's just worth thinking about it in that context and thinking about when you're ready and in a position in your business to feel confident that the masterclass you're going to run is going to convert into clients. So there is one final step, the fifth step, and this is whether you should use retargeting ads after your masterclass to then sell your program. I'm not going to go into this in the same level of depth. I'm actually going to do a whole nother episode on retargeting ads. However, if you have run a masterclass, you've got all these people signed up and then you want to sell your offer and you are thinking, should I be running some ads? Absolutely. But just keep it quite low key. So you're retargeting ads. What you want people to do is go and look at the sales page primarily. Okay. Now, yes, you want them to buy, but you want them to But generally speaking, with high tech offers, we need people to read the sales page to allow us then to make the sale. This does vary, but [00:30:00] I'd probably be using either traffic ads, potentially sales ads, but probably traffic ads. To your warm audience, they're using that stack I talked about earlier. I'd be using Reel of you talking directly to camera. To the person you want to speak to talking about your offer, talking about signing up, talking about what they're going to get with it, the transformation. I mean, you can read sections of your sales page. I mean, obviously don't make it obvious that you're reading a sales page, but as in, you know, use the copy that you've written on your sales page. Cause if it's really compelling, it will work really well in a real as well. And also I would want to see things in those retargeting ads, like. social proof and maybe video testimonials of clients. So really kind of thinking, if I was someone who was on the fence about working with me, what would I want to see? Those are the kind of retargeting ads I'd be setting up. And I would be looking probably somewhere between three to five pounds a day just to kind of prompt people again, your organic content is doing the heavy lifting here. We're not expecting the ads to [00:31:00] sell your offer. We're actually using the ads to support your organic content, support the content that people are actually seeing so that you can sell the offer organically with your organic content. Oh my goodness. That was an in depth episode. I've got so much to say on these kinds of ads because they can be so powerful. And I hope you can see now that when people come to me in early September and say, Oh, I've got a masterclass in like two weeks time. I really want to run some ads to it. Can we work together to make that happen? You can see why in my head I'm thinking, A, okay, well, this is really challenging from a time perspective. B, I can help you set up ads to run to a masterclass setting up of the actual ad, you know, doesn't take a huge amount of time. Those ads are not going to be the best use of your money if you haven't done all the foundational work in the months beforehand, which is why I'm just so passionate about people building this audience of super fans over time because it allows you to build this [00:32:00] audience of people. Who are interested in what you offer and they know you, they trust you so that when you have these periods of like focus on a particular offer. You're not having to suddenly like, Oh, suddenly set up as I suddenly need to do this. Actually it all builds naturally over time and it becomes like really lovely cycles and running a masterclass and launching an offer becomes much more about like, how many people am I going to get into it? Not am I going to sell it at all? And the analogy I use is that when you have an audience of superfans and you do it in this way and you build up to it and you really prime people and you have this lovely golden thread and then you run the right ads and the masterclass is great and the author's really there. I liken it to when Taylor Swift announces a tour. Okay. She's not wondering, Oh my gosh, I hope people buy the tickets. Like is, are the two concerts actually going to sell? She's like, how fast are they going to sell? How quickly are they going to sell out? That's what she's wondering about. And that's what I want for you as well. I want you to be able to go into these periods of launching or, you know, focusing on one [00:33:00] offer, not thinking, Oh gosh, I hope I get enough people in. How quickly am I going to sell this out? So I will leave you there and I will be back on Thursday with our short 10 minute episode, and I look forward to seeing you then. Thank you so much for listening today. Before you go, if this episode struck record with you, I'd be over the moon. If you could take a moment to rate, subscribe, and leave a review, your words not only brighten up my day, but they are also the magic that helps others discover this lion hearted community. Again, thank you so much and I will see you next week.

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