Exactly How I Generated 57 Sales in Just 42 Days (Without Burning Out)

What's this episode of the lionhearted ceo podcast about?

If you're anything like me, you know it's possible to boost your sales without burning out - but figuring out how to do it for your specific business can be a head-scratcher. Well, pop the kettle on and grab a biscuit, because I'm about to break down exactly how I generated 57 sales in just 42 days, all while working 3-day weeks and actually enjoying my summer!

Here's what we're diving into:

• The practical strategies I used to exceed my sales goal (and how you can adapt them)

• How I set up 11 different revenue streams to keep the income flowing consistently

• The real impact of payment plans on your business (and why they're not just for your clients)

• How I managed to update my course and hit targets without sacrificing my work-life balance

You'll learn how to approach your business growth like a Lionhearted CEO, focusing on creating multiple income streams that work for you, not against you. Whether you're feeling stuck with one offer or looking to diversify your income, this episode will give you actionable ideas to create a business that feels light, fun, and sustainable.

Ready to apply these strategies to your own business? Top up that cuppa, and let's dive in!

P.S. I'm sharing my favourite legal template resource in this episode - it's been incredibly helpful for running ads and growing my list legally. I think you'll find it really valuable too!

Links Mentioned in the Podcast:

Privacy Policy - https://www.lucylegal.co.uk/a/2147516959/ZPrrYXQy

Get Legit Essentials - https://www.lucylegal.co.uk/a/2147495354/ZPrrYXQy

Luxe Bundle for Service Providers: https://www.lucylegal.co.uk/a/2147515030/ZPrrYXQy

Hi! I’m your host Sophie Griffiths, a Meta ads expert and business growth strategist.

The LionHearted CEO podcast is designed for impatiently ambitious women who are ready to scale and often juggling motherhood alongside their thriving online businesses in coaching, course creation, or service-based business.

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Free Resource:

Ready to grow an audience of people who WANT you to sell to them? Radical idea I know, but it shouldn’t be! Click here to get access to my step by step guide to using simple, effective ads to build & nurture a community of superfans,

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Ready to build an audience of superfans who are excited and ready to buy from you?
Whether you are just starting with Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Ads, you have dabbled but want to build your confidence with your first funnel, or you're already killing it and you're ready for fast growth - I can help! Click here to choose the best option for you

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Read the transcript:

NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. [00:00:00] Hello and a big welcome to Lionhearted CEO, the podcast for unapologetically, impatiently ambitious women who know they want to stop being the bottleneck in their business and become the Lionhearted CEO they know they are meant to be. I'm Sophie Griffiths, a tea enthusiast, marketing and Metis ad specialist and firm believer. The chocolate should never be kept in the fridge. Join me every Tuesday and Thursday for bold, imperfect, fun approach to marketing and scaling your business without burning out every few months. We'll dive into practical strategies and have inspirational conversations that will support you to create a thriving, sustainable business that brings you joy as well as financial freedom. Okay, let's jump in. Hello and welcome to this week's Thursday episode of the podcast. Now, if you listen to today's episode, You'll know that I was talking about updating you on where I got to with my 42 sales in 42 days so the actual [00:01:00] challenge finished on Tuesday. That was the last day for 42 days. So I literally did the data yesterday and I'm recording this as I'm kind of reflecting on it now. I thought it's probably not overly interesting for you just to listen to me, list out a load of different ways that I got sales. But what I thought might be interesting. Is for me to explain my strategy around stacking my revenue, because this has been a really big goal for me so, first of all, I did achieve the challenge. And actually when I went through and counted them all up properly, I actually got 57 sales in 42 days, but that came from 11 different sources. So, what is not a case of is me saying, okay, I've got my one high ticket offer, and then I'm just going to spend a load of money on ads and just sell one thing loads and loads of times. And that's going to give me my 42 sales now that is a perfectly valid strategy. However, I am naturally, quite a risk averse person. And what I found over the years is when I've gone all in with one strategy. It's left me feeling really vulnerable and it's [00:02:00] created a huge amount of stress. Nervous system dysregulation. And it's kind of really impacted my mindset and my ability. To be more creative, have more fun in my business. So for example, at one point I decided that instead of doing lots of one-to-one like management ads, clients. I actually wanted to do a group program and I was going to put all my energy into one signature group program that I scaled. All roads were going to lead to this group program. Well, I lasted it. Oh four months. And honestly, it was quite a stressful four months because I set up as an evergreen group program, which I totally believe in by the way. And I have clients who run the most incredible evergreen group programs and that's their core signature offer. And they might have one other thing, but all roads lead to this one offer and it's so successful for them. It just does not work with my personality every month that I didn't hit my goal of bringing people in. Felt stressful. I didn't feel like I had any leavers to pull. I just felt like I was talking about the same thing over and over [00:03:00] and over again. Now don't get me wrong. Like you absolutely have to be repetitive in your marketing. But for me personally, it meant they fell out of love. I was like, why am I just repeating the same messaging over and over again? It just didn't work for me. And it was probably about that time. This is about. 18 months ago that I realized that. I really need to work with my brain, with my personality, with my strengths. I'm not trying to fight it all the time and use other people's strategies. Other people can absolutely set up a group program and run it as their sole thing. However, Sophie 52 tabs open at likes new things likes to create shiny new things. Every day loves being creative and making new offers and talking about different things. That's not gonna work for me, is it? But sometimes it's so hard to see that. And actually, when you are starting out in business, it is really good to have that one sole focus. And I'm really glad I did it. I do not regret doing the group program at all. Because it made me niche. It may be, get really specific and it really made me step into my [00:04:00] authority. As someone who is marketing as strategist. However it isn't for me long term, I like stacking my revenue. The other issue I have is I got to a point where I was doing a lot of short term training. So one of my programs is called ROAR as in like a lion roaring. It's two months, it's eight weeks and I get the most incredible clients in it, but at one time that was all I was running and I didn't need nearly as many clients in it. And it worked really well. However it wasn't any recurring revenue in it. Yes. I set up payment plans. There may be a client would pay me over three months rather than the two we were working together. But ultimately every month I almost felt like I was starting from scratch. I'm like, right. If I'm going to hit my revenue goal this month. I'm going to have to really hustle. It feels like there's a huge mountain to climb every month. Okay, I've got, let's say two, three K of recurring revenue. Where am I going to fill the gap? I'm just going to have to keep taking on clients just to make sure I fill that gap to make sure I hit my goal. So to be honest, neither of those mindsets are particularly productive for me personally. I think in some people [00:05:00] that's really energizing for them. Like, oh my God, right? How are we creatively going to do it? But for me, it made me really scrappy. It made me launch offers that didn't really actually work with how I want to work with clients. It made me do things just to get the money in because each month I had to do that, I couldn't take any time out to be strategic. I didn't have any kind of buffer. So big goal for me over the last year or so has been creating multiple streams of revenue. And for me, this is like the way of scaling that has brought me so much joy and freedom in my business and really allows me to focus on what I want to do. Let's call it your zone of genius if you want. But my areas are that I'm really good at. And that light me up and give me energy. And it's allowed me then to bring a team in for support and systems underneath because. Obviously when you're doing lots of different things and when you've got a lot going on, you do need that support. You absolutely do need more of a support system, whether it's people or systems. When you're juggling lots of different offers. Let me take you through the 11 different ways that I bought in these sales over the 42 days of the summer holidays. [00:06:00] So the first thing is my audience built a course that is on sale all the time. It's an evergreen. DIY programs where people can literally sign up, they get immediate access and they can jump in. So I did a sale of app quite early on in the summer for my birthday, it was a 48 hour sale. So from there I had 42 payments over the 42 days. I should probably reiterate. Almost every single offer I put out there. I can't actually think of any I don't. At the moment I offer a payment plan. Payment plan is a strategy for me. Now I know some people don't like a payment plan. In fact, some of my clients would much rather get like a hundred pounds off and painful. I really try and incentivize people to have payment plans. I love payment plans, generally speaking. I mean, I have probably just been really lucky, but also it's. Who I attract and who I choose to work with. I've never had anyone. Before on a payment plan, I've never had anybody have any issues with a payment plan. I love them. I love knowing how much revenue I've got coming in. There's nothing brings me greater joy. They're looking into October and already knowing , I've got eight Ks worth of revenue coming in. That [00:07:00] just brings me so much joy. So prioritizing payment plans is a huge focus of mine. Even if it's just small, even if it's like a 1 97 offer, very happy for you to pay for it over two months, I've not a problem at all. So the other audience builder calls, payments. I had come in. Someone bought access to the group calls. So I had one a sale there. I've also had two people sign up for my ads intensive. So that's a 30 day intensive. That is a higher level of support alongside the audience builder course. I actually put an offer on the 1st of September to say that not only would we give you the 30 day support, but also we would build your first ad campaign for you. I had two people sign up in the first 48 hours. And as we are recording this, now I have one person I'm waiting to come back to me on whether they want to take up the last base. I had two payments there. ROAR my eight week program, I had four people come into that. Now back in June. I took on quite a few people in the ROAR container. And I was actually thinking about August then. So instead of offering a two month [00:08:00] payment plan which is normally what I offer, it's an eight week program, so you can split the cost over the two months that we worked together. I actually offered it as a three month payment plan. A, it makes it easier for people to jump into and be I knew then. I would be having that revenue in August as well when I wouldn't be taking clients on. So I did start to think about how I was going to create revenue in August, back in sort of June time to make sure that I was supporting myself through that August period. The next thing is ignite. So this is my group program. I run alongside the very brilliant messaging, coach Clare, Beth. We had seven sales there for that group program over the 42 days. , so those people are on that six month payment plans. It's a six month program. And so those were due to come in and we didn't have to do anything extra to get those. The next one is the lion hearted CEO mastermind. At the beginning of the summer, I think it was about 10 days where I offered a trailblazer offer, which is like an early bird, put a bit more on brand for me. And it was the opportunity to get some additional support from me in August and September before we [00:09:00] actually start the mastermind, it was also an extended payment plan. So they essentially started paying for the mastermind. In August so that the actual monthly payments we're lower over the time they were working with me. So I had three people jump into that. I had four payments over the 42 days. In-person events. So in July, I ran ABC in a day, which was getting your ads done sorted and set up in a day. And then on the 12th of September, I'm running the lighthearted CEO mastermind day. And so I had four payments and total across those in-person events. I've had two affiliate payments, so I'm an affiliate for a few different things that I really believe in. I use and I recommend to my clients. One of them is the Lucy legal contract templates. I will put the link in the show notes because this is my most used affiliate link. She does the most brilliant contracts. They're so easy to use. They're so comprehensive. And she's so good at making it really easy to be legally protected. And the one that most people [00:10:00] buy is the privacy policy. because you need a really watertight privacy policy to be able to run ads and grow your email list. So if you haven't got that, I will link it in the show notes because it's incredibly important that you do have that if you're running a business, she also has some essentials bundles, which also give you things like website terms and conditions and that sort of thing. I have her Lux bundle, which covers everything from like membership contracts, mastermind, contracts if you want affiliates to sell your things, I'm trying to think what else includes includes loads. I'll include a few links in the show notes because honestly, they're incredible. I use them and I recommend them to all my clients. The next thing is retaining the clients. So I have some clients who I manage their ads for do consultancy for and I had five payments there. And obviously I didn't have to do anything to get those in. So I'm actually the ads coach in a group program which helps people create their own evergreen group programs. So I had two payments for that. And then lastly, I actually licensed out the audience builder course to. A couple of people who use it as part of [00:11:00] their group program. So, for example, the group that I'm the ads coach for every time someone joins that group program, they have the opportunity to sign up to the audience builder course for free. They can then use the content. Build their ads. And then they get a monthly call with me as part of that. In the group, they don't paint a thing that is part of their package when they join that group program. And then the coach pays me a fee per person who signs up. So that's another way that I get income. And I had two of those. I think I actually technically got seven payments there, but it was only on two invoices. So we'll just count that as two. So overall that was 57 fails in 42 days. And I think the key here, and I really want to highlight to you is a lot of those I didn't actually have to do in a thing to get. I always felt like I was cheating at some points. Because it felt like right. I've made this commitment to get sailor day. Like I probably need to be doing something to get them, but actually when I looked at it, The way that I've structured my business, I didn't need to do a huge amount to get those sales in. The audience builder course flash sale worked really well. So that brought [00:12:00] in 24 of the 57 sales. So if I hadn't have done that. I absolutely wouldn't have hit him, but that was why I did it. It was 40 hours. I sent some additional emails and I think I maybe did one additional Instagram post and that was it. Everything else was either embedded into what we were already doing. So social media that was already planned emails that were going out anyway. Podcasts. I was recording anyway. Or they were pre-sold. So, in June I had the people coming into the roar, so I made it a three month payment plan. The in-person event in July, I made that two month payment plan. So I knew that would go into August as well. So there was lots of things that I did to make sure that that recurring revenue and those recurring payments were coming in over the 42 days. Because ultimately for me, I want to build a business that feels light and fun and allows me to be creative and spend time on things. So for example, over the summer I did my client delivery, so made sure that all my clients were still getting everything they needed. But I didn't take on any new clients. So that [00:13:00] created some extra capacity for me. And I actually recorded a lot of new content for the audience builder course. I also updated some current content in there. And I did some behind the scenes kind of system staff to make sure that when people join up, they get like a really nice, smooth onboarding process. So I actually managed to do a lot of business development and honestly, that stuff is really fun for me. I love doing that stuff. And I'm really, really excited then to go into the rest of the year, having updated the audience builder course and feel really confident in selling it going forward. I also have in the pipeline, another low ticket offer and a new lead magnet. I was hoping to get them done by the end of August, but it just didn't happen in the end. But I'm okay with that. I didn't want to put pressure on myself. It was something I want to do. I know I will do But Ultimately, I wanted to prioritize working three days a week and getting the audience builder course exactly where I wanted it to be going into September. So I hope that has been interesting. Helpful has given you some food for thought. I actually did a poll on Instagram earlier this week about recurring revenue. And how many people have that embedded in their [00:14:00] business? I'm not an ads manager who thinks that Facebook ads are the answer to all of your problems. They're really not. I never tell clients to only invest in ads to scale for me, it's about the compounding impact of having lots of different things selling all the time. That really works for me and allows me to generate the revenue without feeling like I'm wholly reliant on one specific offer. Or I start the month with really low revenue and feel like I'm climbing up a mountain to get to where I want to be. As always come on over to Instagram, I'd love to know. Do you have recurring revenue? Do you prioritize payment plans? Are you looking for opportunities like being a coach in someone else's business or creating a course that you can make money that way? Or creating scalable offers so that you can have sales and generate that income, without it feeling like you've then got to add a load of zoom calls and stress into your diary as well. Because that's one thing that I am not here for. Okay. Have a brilliant week and I will see you next time. Thank you so much for listening today. Before you go, if this episode struck record with you, I'd be [00:15:00] over the moon. If you could take a moment to rate, subscribe, and leave a review, your words not only brighten up my day, but they are also the magic that helps others discover this lion hearted community. Again, thank you so much and I will see you next week.

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