Client Question: How can I increase the number of people who actually download the lead magnet and open my emails?

What's this episode of the lionhearted ceo podcast about?

In a group coaching call last week we had a great discussion about what happens when your ads seem to be going well, but hardly any of the new leads are actually clicking on the lead magnet or opening your emails.

I wanted to share the 3 things we talked about and how you can solve this issue too:

  • Why great ad performance doesn't always equal engaged subscribers

  • The three key ingredients to turn those leads into eager readers

  • How to create a lead magnet that's irresistible (and actually gets consumed!)

Pop on your favourite cuppa (no judgement if it's wine o'clock!), get comfy, and let's dive in!

Hi! I’m your host Sophie Griffiths, a Meta ads expert and business growth strategist.

The LionHearted CEO podcast is designed for impatiently ambitious women who are ready to scale and often juggling motherhood alongside their thriving online businesses in coaching, course creation, or service-based business.

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Ready to grow an audience of people who WANT you to sell to them? Radical idea I know, but it shouldn’t be! Click here to get access to my step by step guide to using simple, effective ads to build & nurture a community of superfans,

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Read the transcript:

NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. [00:00:00] Hello and a big welcome to Lionhearted CEO, the podcast for unapologetically, impatiently ambitious women who know they want to stop being the bottleneck in their business and become the Lionhearted CEO they know they are meant to be. I'm Sophie Griffiths, a tea enthusiast, marketing and Metis ad specialist and firm believer. The chocolate should never be kept in the fridge. Join me every Tuesday and Thursday for bold, imperfect, fun approach to marketing and scaling your business without burning out every few months. We'll dive into practical strategies and have inspirational conversations that will support you to create a thriving, sustainable business that brings you joy as well as financial freedom. Okay, let's jump in. Hello, and welcome to this week's episode. In this episode, I thought I would answer a question that I got from a client last week on a group coaching call, because it's something I get asked quite a lot and I really want to address it today. And the question is. My ads are actually [00:01:00] getting quite good leads. There are a good cost. I'm getting them quite regularly. I feel like the ads are doing really well. However, how do we increase the amount of people opening my emails. And actually weeding the lead magnet. And for me, there were three things to consider here. So the first thing is, is it the right lead magnet? The second is, are you bringing in the right kind of people? And the third is, are you optimizing your emails and your welcome sequence? I'm going to go through briefly each one of those three things today. And give you a bit of an insight about what I would do if I was looking at this for a client. I'm going to give you an example that we're going to work three across each of these three different areas. So the example is I've created a 30 minute master class that is really impactful knowledge. It's really super valuable. And it's for women who are overwhelmed. The first thing I want to talk about is, is it for the right audience on ads? Now, sometimes we can create an audience, which we think is perfect and we can write copy that we think is great. Yes, we get loads of people coming into our [00:02:00] email list and you think, oh my God, this is amazing. This is really resonating. However, if they're not opening our emails and not consuming the lead Mike generally that's one of two issues from an ads perspective is either that the audience we've created is not quite right. Are we bringing in people that aren't quite right. Maybe we need to take Facebook in a different direction. Maybe we need people who have more disposable income. Maybe we need people who are interested in self-development. Rather than lacking in self-confidence. So there's some things we can do with the audience. And then the other thing is the messaging. I talk about this a lot when it comes to Facebook as an audience and attracting the right people. Actually yes, some of it is in the audience build but the rest of it is in the messaging. We need to make sure we're being super specific with who we're talking to and how we're going to help them. So if lead magnet is not quite right, and if the messaging is slightly off, we're going to be bringing in the wrong type of people. It's going to be too generic. And then people aren't going to open it because they're not going to be desperate because it's not going to be super spot on for what exactly they need and [00:03:00] the problems they have. So that's the first thing I'd be looking out. The second thing I would be looking at is the actual lead magnet itself. Is it easy to consume it? Does the format and the content match the trigger point, the issue that your client is having. So let's take an example. If I was a coach and I worked with women who were overwhelmed. With life, kids, business, everything. And I created a 30 minute masterclass for them to watch that gave them the five reasons they're most likely to be overwhelmed. That is a lot of information to consume. That is a lot of time. It's another thing on the to-do list. It's another thing they have to do, and yes, they might want to, they might be really, really interested in it, but the reality is they might sign up for it and then it might sit in their inbox. Hanging over them thinking I really should do that. I really should do that. Instead, I would be thinking about does my lead magnet format and content match my ideal client and what they are looking for, not what I want to create. So let's just take our overwhelmed women here who have a [00:04:00] lot on their plate. They don't have a huge amount of time that already overwhelmed with that to-do list. Actually, instead of a 30 minute master class with five things in. The first thing is, could you break those five things down into smaller videos? Could you create a PDF which goes through the five things and maybe links out to those individual videos? Could you shorten it and make it 15 minutes instead of 30 minutes, could you make our podcast so they can listen to it while they're going on a walk? And also instead of making it purely theoretical, can you bring it into the now for them? One way to increase the likelihood of someone actually consuming the lead magnet is to bring it into the now. So instead of five reasons, you are overwhelmed. You could say three ways you can stop being overwhelmed today. That is so much more powerful than five reasons. You're overwhelmed. And in that you're going to give them a three reasons. And then yeah, you might add on a video or a podcast, but written something. They could skim something they can take action on really quickly, really easily is going to be hugely impactful. [00:05:00] And then the third thing is how are you structuring your emails? What if you had your PDF, you had those three things to begin with and then actually you gave the next two things. Drip fed in emails. What about if in the welcome sequence you deliver the first day. Then you follow up the next day, check in how they've got on and then day three, you give them enough actual tip. And then day five. Maybe you give them another one. So you're building that reason to open the emails. The reason to open the emails, the reason that they actually going to benefit from opening it and clicking on the links. You're training them to click the links. And also I really would look at your subject lines. Now that sounds probably really simple on something that you think really does that make much difference. But my gosh, it does. I look at your welcome sequence. How many times are people opening? What percentage of people opening each email, have a look at it, like really starts taking notice of that sort of thing. Because if there's one email that has a significantly low open rate, you need to look at that subject line. And you need to look at how you're flowing them into that email from the email before. I'd also look at not just [00:06:00] sending the lead magnet once. Can you send it two or three times, maybe in a PS before you go into the main welcome sequence, if you're really struggling to get people to open your lead magnet. So if you're getting leads, but you're having trouble getting people to actually open your emails and consume your lead magnet. Those are the things I would be thinking about. Really think about, is this going up to the right audience with the right message and is it the right lead magnet? . For the issues my ideal clients are having right now, does the lead magnet format match what my clients are going to consume. Think about it creatively. You don't have to just do one thing. And then finally have a look at your emails, all the subject lines. Good. All you bread crumbing between emails like teasing, tomorrow I'm going to send you another tip or tomorrow's tip is the one that every single client says made the biggest difference, because think about your emails with hooks in it as well, really prompt people to then look for that email tomorrow. So that's what I would do, and I hope that helps. And as always, I love to hear. If you use any of these tips Oh, is she find them useful? And I will [00:07:00] see you next week. Thank you so much for listening today. Before you go, if this episode struck record with you, I'd be over the moon. If you could take a moment to rate, subscribe, and leave a review, your words not only brighten up my day, but they are also the magic that helps others discover this lion hearted community. Again, thank you so much and I will see you next week.

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