4 ways to use your email list with your ads to get more sales!

I know you probably don't open half the marketing emails you get, so you're thinking that email really can't be worth investing time in... But it is!

Here are 4 ways your email list and your ads can work together to grow your business and get more sales!

1) Grow your list

You’ve gone to all the effort of creating a lead magnet/setting up a discount code, sorting the tech on the website, creating a landing page and then actually writing the emails… and to make it worthwhile, you need to get people on to the list! Often businesses put a pop up on their website, mention it on their social media and then rarely mention it again! And without a steady stream of traffic to your website, it’s going to be a slow process.

How can ads help? You can create Ad’s campaigns specifically to drive your ideal client to your email sign up page and starting building your list. These can work on a relatively low budget once you have worked out the best audience to use.

2) Target email subscibers

Once you have people on your list, you need to use them! As well as keeping them engaged with regular emails, you can use them to help Facebook find the right people to target with your Ad’s.

How can ads help? There are two ways to use your email list in your Ad’s audiences. First you can upload your email list and target the people on it. They are a ‘warm’ audience and by emailing them and targeting them with Ad’s, you increase the chance they will see it and respond. Secondly you can create a ‘Lookalike’ audience of people who are similar to those on your list. You can then grow you audience by using the Lookalike to target people who are likely to be interested in your business.

3) Segmenting

The key to an effective email list is segmenting! You need to know if people have just joined your list, have purchased from you, are engaged and open all your emails (or not engaged and ignore your emails!). Once you know these things you can start to tailor the messaging and emails you send to different segments.

How can ads help? Segmenting can make your Ad’s even more effective because you can be really targeted. Using a Lookalike of people who have purchased is going to be a really strong, compared to people who haven’t bought from you. Similarly, if you wanted to really push sales, you might not want to use the list of people who have just bought from you.

4) Cross selling

Some key stats you need to be watching is average order value and annual customer value (amount a customer is likely to spend over a year). The higher you can push both of these, the less new customers you’ll have to find. There are lots of ways to boost these numbers but upselling and cross selling can be very effective. Upselling usually happens on your website while the customer is in the purchasing flow, but you could have an email that gets triggered on certain products to send to them and offer an upsell e.g. X product works really well with the product they’ve just bought and if they order within the next 30mins there’ll be no additional P&P. Cross selling is a way of using segmentation to pick out customers who have bought X product and sending them an email suggesting that they might like Y product.

How can ads help? You can use the list of people who have bought X product and create Ad’s to sell them Y product to support the email campaign and make it more likely they will see it and act!

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3 ways to grow your audience using ads when sales are slow