How to Know if Your Facebook Ads Are Working: 5 Key Metrics to Track

Let's talk about that pit in your stomach you get when someone mentions Facebook ads metrics.

You know the one - it's a mix of confusion, frustration, and maybe a dash of overwhelm. Whether you've been staring at numbers that make no sense or you've heard enough jargon to make your head spin, Facebook ads metric fear is real.

But here's the thing: understanding these metrics can be the key to unlocking incredible growth for your business. So, let's tackle this fear head-on and get you back in the game!

Picture this: You've just spent £500 on a Facebook ad campaign. You were promised the world - new leads, skyrocketing sales, and a return on investment that would make your accountant dance. But instead, you're staring at your screen, wondering what all these numbers mean and if your ads are actually working. Sound familiar?

Or maybe you're the person who dipped their toe in the water, ran a small campaign, and got a trickle of leads. But when you tried to scale it up, suddenly your cost per lead went through the roof, and you panicked and turned everything off.

Perhaps you're even the business owner who hired an agency, invested thousands for a launch, and ended up with a report full of metrics you don't understand and a lot of questions about where your money went.

These scenarios are more common than you might think, and they're exactly why so many business owners are hesitant to dive deep into their Facebook ads metrics. But here's the truth: Facebook ads metrics aren't the problem.

It's usually a combination of understanding, interpretation, and expectations that lead to these disappointing results.

🦁 In this blog, we're going to dive into five key Facebook ads metrics that every business owner should be tracking:

  1. Results: The bread and butter of your campaign success.

  2. Cost per Result: How much you're paying for each win.

  3. Click-Through Rate (CTR): Are people engaging with your ad?

  4. Click-Through Rate (Link Clicks): Are they taking the action you want?

  5. CPM (Cost Per Mille): How efficiently are you reaching your audience?

For each of these metrics, we'll explore what they mean, why they matter, and how to interpret them for your business.

We'll look at practical steps you can take to use these metrics to make data-driven decisions, set realistic expectations, and start seeing the kind of results that make Facebook ads a valuable part of your marketing strategy.

By the end of this blog, you'll have a clear roadmap for understanding your Facebook ads metrics, whether you're ready to dive deep into the data or just dipping your toe in the water.

So, grab a cuppa (not from the fridge, please - chocolate belongs there, not tea!), get comfortable, and let's turn those confusing numbers into a recipe for business growth!

Understanding Facebook Ads Dashboard Metrics

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let's chat about the two ways to gauge if your ads are working:

  1. Looking at the stats and metrics in your ads dashboard

  2. Examining the wider impact on your marketing and business goals

Today, we're going to focus primarily on lead ads, but many of these principles apply to other types of campaigns as well.

Remember, every business is unique, so your benchmarks might differ from others. B2C and B2B businesses often have different standards, especially when it comes to costs.

🦁 The 5 Key Metrics for Lead Ads

Let's break down the five essential metrics you should be looking at to determine if your Facebook lead ads are performing well:

1. Results

This one's pretty straightforward - it's the number of leads you're getting. Simple, right? But don't be fooled by big numbers alone. A high result count is great, but only if it's bringing in the right kind of leads.

2. Cost per Result

This metric shows you how much each lead is costing you. It's like the price tag on each potential customer. For B2C clients, you might see leads costing anywhere from 30p to under a pound. B2B leads tend to be pricier - if you're getting them for under £3.50, that's brilliant! Under £2 is exceptional, but be cautious if it's too cheap - it might mean you're not reaching the right audience.

3. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

This measures all clicks on links in your ad, including the 'Read More' link in the caption. It's a good indicator of whether people are interested in your ad content. Think of it as the "curiosity factor" - are people intrigued enough to learn more?

4. Click-Through Rate (Link Clicks)

This specifically measures clicks on the call-to-action button. It's the "commitment factor" - are people taking the next step? Ideally, you want this to be over 1% for lead ads.

5. CPM (Cost Per Mille)

This shows how much it costs you to reach 1,000 people. It's your "visibility price tag". For B2C businesses, aim for £4-£8, while B2B businesses might see £15-£20.

Here's a quick reference table for these metrics:

Metric B2C Benchmark B2B Benchmark
Cost per Result 30p - £1 £2 - £3.50
CTR > 3% > 3%
CTR (Link Clicks) > 1% > 1%
CPM £4 - £8 £15 - £20

Remember, these are general guidelines. Your specific benchmarks may vary based on your industry and target audience.

Beyond the Dashboard: Measuring Business Impact

Now, here's the kicker - fantastic ad metrics don't always translate to amazing business results. You could give away an iPad and get incredible numbers, but unless you're an iPad specialist, those leads probably won't turn into paying clients.

How do we measure the true impact of our Facebook ads on our business? Here are four ways to gauge if your ads are bringing in the right people:

1. Gut Feel

Take a look at who's following you on social media after running your ads. Are they your ideal clients? For B2B businesses, are they actually business owners?

When we talk about "gut feel," we're really discussing the qualitative assessment of your new audience. Here's what to look for:

  • Profile Quality: Are the new followers real people or businesses, or do they look like spam accounts?

  • Relevance: Do their profiles align with your ideal client avatar?

  • Engagement: Are they interacting with your content beyond just following?

🦁 For B2B businesses:

  • Check if new followers have business profiles or pages

  • Look at their job titles or industries

  • See if they're posting content relevant to your niche

🦁 For B2C businesses:

  • Look at the interests and activities shared on their profiles

  • Check if they follow similar brands or influencers in your space

  • See if their demographics match your target audience

Remember, it's not about perfection. If 60-80% of new followers seem to be a good fit, you're on the right track.

2. Email Open Rates and Click-Through Rates

This is where we start to measure engagement beyond social media. Here's what to analyse:

  • 🦁 Compare Metrics: Look at open rates and click-through rates for ad-generated leads vs. your organic leads

  • 🦁 Welcome Sequence Performance:

    • Open rates for each email in your welcome sequence

    • Click-through rates on links within these emails

    • Reply rates to any questions or prompts in your emails

  • 🦁 Long-term Engagement:

    • Do ad-generated leads stay subscribed?

    • Do they continue to open and engage with emails over time?

Benchmark: If your ad-generated leads are performing within 70-80% of your organic leads, that's generally a good sign.

3. Event Sign-ups and Engagement

This is a great way to gauge the quality and interest level of your new leads. Look at:

  • 🦁 Sign-up Rate: What percentage of your ad-generated leads sign up for your free events?

  • 🦁 Attendance Rate: Of those who sign up, how many actually attend?

  • 🦁 Live Engagement: During the event, are they asking questions or particpating?

Compare these metrics with your organic leads to see how they stack up.

4. Sales

  • 🦁The ultimate metric - are these leads turning into paying clients? Are they booking calls, buying your offers, or joining your membership?

Important note: Give your ads at least three months before making any drastic decisions. It takes time for people to get to know you and warm up to your offers.

By examining these four areas in depth, you'll get a much clearer picture of how your Facebook ads are impacting your business beyond just the numbers in your ads dashboard.

It's about understanding the quality of the leads you're generating, how they're engaging with your brand over time, and ultimately, how they're contributing to your bottom line.


Understanding your Facebook ads metrics is crucial, but it's just the first step.

The real magic happens when you combine these insights with a broader view of your business impact.

Remember, getting someone on your email list isn't enough - you need to engage them and warm them up to your offers.

If you’re ready to take the leap into Facebook & Instagram ads, my Audience Builder Course is the perfect place to start. I’ll walk you step by step through 3 key Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns to allow you to grow your email list AND Instagram followers - for as little as £3/day.

Click here for all the info & to sign up.

What next?

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