Creating Successful Low-Cost Offers: A Guide for Online Entrepreneurs

In the competitive landscape of online business, standing out and attracting new clients can be a challenge.

Enter the low-cost offer: a powerful tool that, when done right, can be a game-changer for your business growth.

But here's the catch - not all low-cost offers are created equal, and many entrepreneurs stumble when trying to implement this strategy.

As a Facebook ads specialist and business coach, I've worked with countless clients to develop and refine their offer suites. I've seen firsthand what makes a low-cost offer fly off the digital shelves and what leaves it gathering dust.

The secret? It's all about striking the perfect balance between price, value, and strategic positioning.

In this blog, we'll unpack everything you need to know about creating successful low-cost offers that not only sell but also provide genuine value to your audience and set the stage for long-term customer relationships.

🦁 We'll explore:

  1. The definition of a 'low-cost' offer

  2. The critical distinction between 'low cost' and 'low value', and why it matters for your business

  3. Creative ways to find inspiration for your next irresistible offer

  4. Techniques for aligning your low-cost offer with your lead magnet

  5. Proven strategies to boost sales and maximise the impact of your offer

  6. The ins and outs of using advertising to promote your low-cost offer effectively

  7. Tips for building trust and authority with your cold audience

Whether you're an online coach, course creator, or service provider, this guide will equip you with actionable insights to elevate your low-cost offer game.

So, grab a cuppa (and maybe a biscuit or two), and let's dive into the world of successful low-cost offers. It's time to transform your approach and unlock the full potential of this powerful business strategy.

1) What Exactly is a Low-Cost Offer?

First things first: what do we mean by 'low-cost'? Well, it depends on your audience.

What's pocket change for one person might be a significant investment for another.

For businesses selling to consumers (like parents and families), the threshold for 'low-cost' tends to be lower. People are often more reluctant to spend money on themselves, even when they desperately need the solution you're offering.

On the flip side, for B2B offers, the 'low-cost' threshold is typically higher. As a business owner myself, I'm used to investing more in support and solutions for my business.

But here's my rule of thumb for successful low-cost offers: aim for a price point that doesn't make people stop and think. We're talking about impulse buy territory here.

Generally, successful low-cost offers fall into these price ranges:

  • £7 - £11

  • £27 - £29

  • Up to £49

Once you go over £50, you're moving into mid-ticket territory, which requires a different approach.

2) Low Cost vs Low Value: Finding the Sweet Spot

Now, here's where many entrepreneurs stumble: they confuse 'low cost' with 'low value'. Big mistake!

Just because you're charging £9 doesn't mean you should cobble together a glorified checklist and call it a day. Remember, when people pay for something - even if it's just a few quid - their mindset changes. They expect value.

The key to successful low-cost offers is to create something that's genuinely useful and saves people time or money (or ideally, both!). It doesn't need to deliver a massive transformation, but it should solve a specific problem or meet a particular need.

For example, instead of a meal plan template, offer a done-for-you 4-week meal plan. Instead of tips for optimising an Instagram bio, provide 10 ready-to-use social media templates with caption structures.

The goal is to build trust by delivering high value at a low cost. This sets the stage for your audience to engage with your higher-ticket offers down the line.

3) FindING Inspiration for Your Low-Cost Offer

Coming up with ideas for successful low-cost offers can sometimes feel like a creative roadblock. But don't worry - inspiration is all around us!

🦁 Here are some tried-and-tested methods to spark your creativity and uncover ideas that resonate with your audience:

  1. Ask Your Ideal Clients Directly: Your audience is a goldmine of information. Use Instagram polls, email surveys, or even casual DM conversations to ask what they're struggling with or what kind of resource would be most helpful to them right now. Their answers might surprise you and lead to offer ideas you hadn't considered.

  2. Browse Etsy: Etsy isn't just for handmade crafts. It's a treasure trove of digital products and downloadables. Search for items in your niche and see what's selling well. Look at the bestsellers, read reviews, and note what customers are saying they love (or wish was included).

  3. Explore Pinterest: Pinterest is a hub of trending ideas and popular content. Search for topics related to your niche and see what kinds of pins are getting the most engagement. Look for recurring themes or pain points that you could address in your offer.

  4. Google Your Niche: Do some strategic Googling around your area of expertise. Pay attention to the 'People also ask' section and the suggested searches at the bottom of the page. These can give you insights into what your potential customers are actively searching for.

  5. Leverage Facebook Ads: Here's a cheeky trick: start searching and interacting with content related to your niche on Google and social media. Soon, Facebook's algorithm will start showing you ads from others in your industry. This can give you a sneak peek at what your competitors are offering and how they're positioning their products.

  6. Analyse Your Own Content: Look back at your blog posts, social media content, or podcast episodes. Which topics got the most engagement? Could you expand on one of these popular topics to create a low-cost offer?

  7. Attend Webinars or Free Challenges: Sign up for free events in your niche. Pay attention to what people are asking in the chat or Q&A sessions. These questions can highlight gaps in the market that your low-cost offer could fill.

Remember, the goal isn't to copy what others are doing, but to spot trends, identify needs, and adapt ideas to fit your unique approach and audience.

The best low-cost offers often come from combining your expertise with a clear understanding of what your audience truly wants and needs.

Lastly, don't forget to consider your own journey. What resource do you wish you'd had when you were starting out? Your own experiences can be a fantastic source of inspiration for creating offers that truly resonate with your audience.

4) Aligning Your Low-Cost Offer with Your Lead Magnet

For truly successful low-cost offers, think about how they align with your lead magnet.

Ideally, they should go together like apple and cheese (yes, I love that combo - don't judge!).

Here's a test: Can you naturally mention your low-cost offer 2-3 times within your lead magnet? If so, you're on the right track.

For example, if your lead magnet is "5 Ways to Feel Healthier During Menopause" and your low-cost offer is a 30-day high-protein meal plan, you could easily reference the meal plan when discussing nutrition in your lead magnet.

5) Strategies to Increase Sales of Your Low-Cost Offer

Now, let's talk about how to actually sell these brilliant low-cost offers you've created.

🦁 Here are my top strategies:

  1. Embed links to your offer throughout your lead magnet (not just at the end!)

  2. Feature it prominently in your welcome email sequence

  3. Create a clear pathway: lead magnet → low-cost offer → upsell → mid-ticket offer

  4. Promote it regularly in your organic social media content

  5. Create a pinned post and highlight on Instagram about your offer

  6. Ensure it's easy to find and purchase on your website

  7. Using Ads to Promote Your Low-Cost Offer

The million-dollar question: Should you use ads to sell your low-cost offer? The short answer is yes, but not right away.

Start by setting up your customer journey and selling organically. Once you're consistently making sales, consider these steps:

🦁 Start with retargeting ads to your warm audience (email list, website visitors, social media followers)

🦁 If that's successful, try ads to a cold audience

But be warned: selling to a cold audience is trickier. Your messaging and sales page need to be spot-on. What works for your warm audience might not resonate with people who've never heard of you before.

6) Building Trust and Authority with Your Cold Audience

Finally, don't forget about building trust and authority with your cold audience.

When someone sees your ad and checks out your profile, you want them to feel like they've found their perfect solution.

Create content that speaks directly to your cold audience's problems and questions. Go beyond talking about yourself - show them you understand their challenges and have the solutions they need.

🦁Creating Successful Low-Cost Offers That Convert

To sum up, successful low-cost offers are:

  • Priced for impulse buys (usually under £50)

  • High in value, solving a specific problem

  • Aligned with your lead magnet and overall offer suite

  • Promoted consistently across your marketing channels

  • Supported by trust-building content for cold audiences

Remember, creating successful low-cost offers isn't just about making a quick buck.

It's about building trust, delivering value, and paving the way for long-term customer relationships.

If you’re ready to take the leap into Facebook & Instagram ads, my Audience Builder Course is the perfect place to start. I’ll walk you step by step through 3 key Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns to allow you to grow your email list AND Instagram followers - for as little as £3/day.

Click here for all the info & to sign up.

What next?

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1) Love an Instagram story? Good, me too! Come say hi & access plenty more of my free tips over on: @sophiegriffithsco

2) Listen to my podcast! It’s all about taking big, bold moves in your marketing with strategic, practical advice and loads of inspiration too! Click here to find out more and listen!

3) Interested in working with me? To check out the client services I offer here click here

Listen to the full podcast episode for additional insights and tips here.


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