Flash Sale Success Story: £3K in 48 Hours

In the world of online business, flash sales are often touted as a quick way to boost revenue. But for many service entrepreneurs, having the right service that you can discount WITHOUT adding a load more meetings to your diary or work on your plate isn’t easy.

What if I told you it's possible to run a successful flash sale without adding a single Zoom call to your diary?

Recently, I ran a 48-hour flash sale that generated over £3,000 in revenue. The kicker? I didn't have to create any new content, spend hours on Zoom calls, or lose sleep over it. This sale allowed me to top up my August income, enabling me to drop down to three days a week without onboarding new clients.

But this flash sale success didn't happen by accident. It was the result of nearly a year's worth of strategic planning and offer development.

In this blog post, I'll take you behind the scenes of my flash sale, sharing the journey that led to this point, the strategy behind the sale, and the lessons I learned along the way.

Whether you're planning your first flash sale or looking to optimise your next one, this post will provide you with actionable insights to achieve your own flash sale success – without the stress.

1) The Journey to a Scalable Offer

Flash sale success doesn't happen overnight. Let me tell you, it's been a rollercoaster of a year figuring this out. I've been on a mission to develop an offer that allows me to welcome as many eager beavers as I want without turning myself into a frazzled mess.

Trust me, I've tried it all 😮‍💨:

  • Long-term, high-ticket group programs: Picture me, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, thinking I'd cracked the code with a 6-month group program. Spoiler alert: I ended up feeling like a hamster on a wheel, constantly creating content and fielding questions.

  • Two-week sprints: Ah, the allure of the quick win. These were intense, exhilarating... and utterly exhausting. By the end of each sprint, I needed a two-week nap.

  • Intensives with me: One-day deep dives that left my clients buzzing and me wondering if I could survive on coffee alone. Spoiler: I couldn't.

But none of these felt truly scalable. Sure, they brought in revenue, but at what cost? My sanity, for one. My ability to take a day off without feeling guilty, for another.

I needed an offer that didn't involve me being strapped to my laptop 24/7. An offer that could grow without me having to clone myself (though, let's be honest, that would be pretty cool).

I realised I'd been so focused on being present for every client, holding their hand through every step, that I'd created a business that was entirely dependent on... well, me. And let me tell you, that's a recipe for burnout faster than you can say "Facebook algorithm change".

So, I set myself a challenge: create an offer that could help just as many people, get them results, but didn't require me to be there live all the time. An offer that could scale without me losing my marbles in the process.

2) Creating the Audience Builder Course

Enter the Audience Builder Course – my solution for flash sale success and sustainable growth.

Here's the lowdown:

  • Created in November and launched with a Black Friday founding offer: Picture me, fuelled by too much coffee and the fear of missing the Black Friday bandwagon, frantically putting together the course. It was a whirlwind, but boy, was it worth it!

  • Helps people grow their audience on social media and email lists: Because let's face it, what's the point of having the best product or service if no one knows about it? This course is all about getting eyes on your business without you having to do a song and dance on TikTok (unless that's your thing, in which case, dance away!).

  • Over 40 people joined in the initial launch: I nearly fell off my chair when I saw the numbers. Forty brave souls ready to dive into the world of audience building with me?

  • Gets incredible results (one client reduced her cost per lead from £3.50 to £0.35!): When this particular client shared her results, I may have done a little happy dance around my office. Okay, a big happy dance. With air punches.

The course proved that my knowledge and experience, not necessarily my physical presence, could help people get results. This was a game-changer for creating a scalable offer.

This course allowed me to package up years of experience, trial and error, and hard-won knowledge into something that could help people 24/7, whether I was at my desk, on a beach, or taking a well-deserved nap. It was the scalable solution I'd been dreaming of, and it set the stage for the flash sale success that was to come.

3) Planning the Flash Sale

Now, let's talk about the flash sale success strategy.

Here's what I offered:

Package Regular Price Sale Price Savings
Course Only £197 + VAT N/A N/A
Course + Group Coaching £297 + VAT £197 + VAT £100
Lionhearted Lead Gen Toolkit £57 + VAT Included £57
Total Savings £157

The beauty of this offer? Everything was already set up. No need for new content creation or extra work on my part. That's the key to flash sale success without burnout!

Imagine you're throwing a last-minute party. Normally, you'd be running around like a headless chicken, cooking up a storm, decorating, and panicking about whether you've got enough ice.

But instead, you've got a fully stocked fridge, a beautifully decorated house, and a playlist ready to go. That's what this flash sale felt like.

The Audience Builder Course was my fully stocked fridge. All the content was created, polished, and ready to serve. The modules were there, the worksheets were done, and even the tech was set up and purring like a well-oiled machine.

This setup meant that when inspiration struck (or in this case, when my birthday rolled around), I could launch a flash sale at the drop of a hat.

4) Flash Sale Execution

Here's how I ran the 48-hour flash sale:

🦁 Priming the Pump: Building Anticipation

Think of this as the drumroll before the big show. I didn't want to just spring the sale on my audience like a jack-in-the-box. Instead, I built a crescendo of excitement:

  • Sent two emails on Thursday and Friday: These weren't your run-of-the-mill "sale coming soon" emails. Oh no. I teased the value, hinted at the savings, and maybe even dropped a cheeky "my birthday's coming up..." line. It was like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs leading right to the sale.

  • Posted Instagram stories to build anticipation: I treated my Instagram like a behind-the-scenes documentary. "What am I up to? Why am I so excited? Stay tuned to find out!" It was all about creating that "can't miss" feeling.

🦁 During the Sale: Keeping the Momentum

Once the curtains were up, it was showtime:

  • Scheduled two emails for Sunday and two for Monday: This wasn't about bombarding inboxes. Each email had a purpose - launching the offer, sharing social proof, answering FAQs, and creating urgency as the clock ticked down.

  • Covered offer details, social proof, and FAQs: I made sure every email answered the "What's in it for me?" question. Real results from real people, addressing common concerns - it was all there.

  • Posted on Instagram grid: Ah, the Sunday post struggle. A reminder that even the best-laid plans can hit a snag. But did I let it derail me? Not a chance. It was a good lesson in rolling with the punches.

🦁 Leveraging Affiliates: My Secret Weapon

Affiliates were like my sales force multiplier:

  • Emailed affiliates about the sale: These wonderful humans already know and love my course. Giving them a heads-up meant they could plan their promotions.

  • Provided them with email templates and Instagram story templates: I made it easy for them to spread the word. Why reinvent the wheel when I could give them a shiny, ready-to-go one?

The Plot Twist: No Ads?

Now, you might be scratching your head wondering, "But Sophie, aren't you the ads queen? Why no ads for this sale?" Great question!

With only 48 hours, I knew my existing audience would be enough. It's like having a party and only inviting your closest friends - you know they're already interested in what you're offering.

Plus, I run ads year-round, so there was already a pool of interested people. These folks have been warming up to my offer for months. The flash sale was just the spark they needed to take action.

This approach allowed me to focus on serving my existing audience rather than trying to attract new people in a short timeframe. It's about working smarter, not harder, and leveraging the relationships I've already built.

5) Results: £3,000+ in 48 Hours

Now for the juicy part – the flash sale success results:

  • 16 sales (including 2 from affiliates): That's 16 amazing humans who decided to join the Audience Builder family during this whirlwind 48 hours.

  • Total revenue: £3,152 (excluding VAT): Let's take a moment to appreciate this number. That's over three grand generated in just two days, without creating any new content or spending hours on Zoom calls. If that's not working smarter, not harder, I don't know what is!

  • Exceeded my goal of 10 sales and stretched goal of 15: I'm a big believer in setting realistic goals with a bit of a stretch. Hitting 16 sales felt like scoring the winning goal in extra time.

I'm thrilled with these results! 🎉

But it's not just about the numbers (though, let's be honest, the numbers are pretty sweet).

This flash sale success proved so much more:

    1. Validation of the offer: People were willing to jump on this deal, showing that the Audience Builder Course is genuinely solving a problem for my audience.

    2. Efficiency of the system: Generating this revenue without burning the midnight oil or creating tons of new content? That's the dream, folks.

    3. Power of my existing audience: Not needing to run ads showed the strength of the relationship I've built with my followers and email list.

    4. Effectiveness of urgency: The 48-hour deadline really motivated people to take action.

Not only did it cover my August income dip, but it also proved the scalability of my offer. This flash sale success has opened up a world of possibilities. It's shown me that I can create these income boosts without sacrificing my work-life balance or sanity. And let me tell you, that feeling is worth its weight in gold (or, in this case, £3,152).

6) Lessons Learned: 4 Things I'd Do Differently

Even with flash sale success, there's always room for improvement.

Here's what I'd change next time:

✅ Set up a waitlist and prime earlier:

Imagine building a rollercoaster of excitement, but instead of a sudden drop, it's a gradual climb of anticipation. That's what a well-planned waitlist can do.

  • Start building anticipation sooner: I'm talking weeks, not days. Drip-feeding hints, teasing content, and building buzz. It's like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs that leads straight to your offer.

  • Add a bonus for joining the waitlist: This could be an exclusive training, a bonus module, or early bird pricing. It's about making people feel special for being 'in the know'. Think of it as the VIP line at a club - everyone wants to be on it!

✅ Engage affiliates earlier:

Affiliates are like your personal cheerleading squad. The earlier they know about the game, the louder they can cheer.

  • Give them more notice: I'm thinking at least a month. This gives them time to plan their promotions, create content, and get their audience hyped.

  • Ask what resources would be most helpful: Instead of assuming, why not ask? Maybe they'd love some done-for-you social media posts, or perhaps they'd kill for some email swipe copy. Tailor your support to their needs and watch them run with it.

✅ Utilise LinkedIn:

Oh, LinkedIn. I've been neglecting you like that plant I keep forgetting to water. No more!

  • Expand beyond just Instagram: Different platforms, different audiences. LinkedIn could be a goldmine of professionals looking to up their marketing game.

  • Plan content in advance for both platforms: I'm talking about a proper content calendar. Tailored posts for each platform, scheduled and ready to go. No more last-minute scrambling or cross-posting the same content everywhere.

✅ Leverage the podcast:

My podcast is like my own personal radio station. Why not use it to broadcast my flash sale far and wide?

  • Mention the sale in episodes leading up to it: Subtle hints, not hard sells. Plant the seed in listeners' minds that something exciting is coming.

  • Consider timing the sale around podcast release days: Imagine this - a listener finishes an episode, they're all fired up about growing their audience, and bam! There's a limited-time offer to help them do just that. Talk about perfect timing!

By implementing these strategies, I'm not just planning for the next flash sale. I'm creating a well-oiled machine that can spring into action whenever I decide to run a promotion. It's about building a system that allows for spontaneity without sacrificing preparation.

And let's be real - the more I can plan and automate, the more time I have for the important things. Like coming up with new ideas, serving my clients... and maybe even remembering to water that poor neglected plant!

Flash Sale Success Without Burnout

This flash sale was more than just a revenue boost – it was proof that scaling doesn't have to mean burnout.

By creating a truly scalable offer and leveraging existing systems, I was able to generate significant income without increasing my workload.

Remember, flash sale success isn't about reinventing the wheel every time.

It's about having a solid offer, understanding your audience, and creating a smooth buying experience.

Whether you're planning your first flash sale or looking to optimise your next one, I hope these insights help you achieve your own flash sale success – without the stress!

Ready to start your own journey to flash sale success? My Audience Builder Course is the perfect place to start. I’ll walk you step by step through 3 key Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns to allow you to grow your email list AND Instagram followers - for as little as £3/day.

Click here for all the info & to sign up.

What next?

If you’ve found this blog post useful, here are some ways you can be a part of my world:

1) Love an Instagram story? Good, me too! Come say hi & access plenty more of my free tips over on: @sophiegriffithsco

2) Listen to my podcast! It’s all about taking big, bold moves in your marketing with strategic, practical advice and loads of inspiration too! Click here to find out more and listen!

3) Interested in working with me? To check out the client services I offer here click here

Listen to the full podcast episode for additional insights and tips here.


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