Masterclass Ads Strategy: 5 Steps to Fill Your September masterclass

September's coming, and with it, a flurry of masterclass announcements.

But here's the thing: if you're planning to run ads for your September masterclass and you haven't started preparing yet, you might be in for a bumpy ride.

I get it. Every year, as August winds down, I start getting messages along the lines of: "I want to run a masterclass in a couple of weeks. Can we set up some ads?" And while I'd love to help, the truth is, a successful masterclass ads strategy requires more than just a couple of weeks of prep.

Recently, I ran a campaign for a client that brought in over 2,200 people to their masterclass, with ad costs as low as 35p per lead.

But this wasn't a last-minute success story. We'd been laying the groundwork since October, carefully crafting our strategy and building our audience.

So, let's talk about what you should be doing now to ensure your September masterclass is a roaring success.

We'll cover a five-step masterclass ads strategy that will not only fill your event but also set you up for long-term business growth.

In this blog, we're going to dive into:

  1. How to create a lead magnet that seamlessly leads to your masterclass

  2. The importance of priming your audience with organic content

  3. Designing your masterclass with your end offer in mind

  4. The nuts and bolts of setting up your masterclass ads campaign

  5. Leveraging retargeting ads post-masterclass for maximum conversion

Whether you're new to running masterclasses or you're looking to up your game, this masterclass ads strategy will give you the tools you need to create a sustainable, successful approach to marketing your events.

Remember, the goal isn't just to fill one masterclass. It's about building a system that creates superfans who are eager for every offer you put out there.

So, let's get started on creating your masterclass ads strategy that will have your audience as excited as Swifties at a Taylor Swift concert announcement!

🦁 STEP 1: Create a Seamless Lead Magnet

The foundation of a solid masterclass ads strategy is a lead magnet that seamlessly connects to your masterclass topic.

Think of it as creating a 'golden thread' that leads your audience from the lead magnet to the masterclass, and ultimately to your offer.

Here are two approaches to consider:

  1. Specific Thread: Create a lead magnet that dives deep into one aspect of your expertise. For example, I might offer a guide on "Writing Compelling Copy for Lead Ads".

  2. Overarching Framework: Alternatively, you could present a broader framework. My "Superfan System" lead magnet is an example of this approach.

Whichever route you choose, ensure your masterclass builds on the lead magnet content.

If you've gone specific with your lead magnet, your masterclass could expand to a broader framework. If you've started broad, use the masterclass to dive deeper into one element.

Remember, the goal is to make the progression from lead magnet to masterclass feel natural and valuable to your audience.

🦁 Step 2: Prime Your Audience with Organic Content

A successful masterclass ads strategy isn't just about the ads - it's about creating a buzz around your topic.

Start priming your audience with organic content at least three months before your masterclass.

Here's where to focus your efforts:

  • Social Media: Share insights, tips, and teasers related to your masterclass topic.

  • Email Marketing: Keep your list engaged with valuable content that hints at what's to come.

  • Long-form Content: Leverage podcasts, YouTube videos, or blog posts to dive deeper into your subject matter.

The key is consistency.

Aim for at least one or two pieces of priming content each week. This way, when you announce your masterclass, it feels like a natural next step for your audience.

🦁 Step 3: Design Your Masterclass with Intent

When creating your masterclass, always keep your end offer in mind.

Your masterclass ads strategy will only be effective if there's a clear path from the masterclass to your offer.

Here's a common pitfall to avoid:

Let's say you're a business coach specialising in strategy and mindset. You notice your audience struggles with money mindset, so you create a masterclass on "Mastering Your Money Mindset".

Sounds great, right?

But here's the catch - if your main offer is about creating an evergreen group program, there's a disconnect. While money mindset might be a component, it's not the core focus. Your audience might love the masterclass but feel confused about how it relates to your main offer.

Instead, design your masterclass to naturally lead into your offer. If your main program is about creating an evergreen group program, your masterclass could be on "5 Keys to Creating a Successful Evergreen Program". This way, by the end of the masterclass, your offer feels like the obvious next step for attendees who want to implement what they've learned.

Structuring Your Masterclass Content

When planning your masterclass content, consider this structure:

  1. Introduction: Set the stage and create excitement about the topic.

  2. The Problem: Dive into the main challenge your audience faces.

  3. The Solution: Introduce your framework or method.

  4. Quick Wins: Provide actionable tips they can implement right away.

  5. The Bigger Picture: Show how these concepts fit into a larger strategy (hint at your offer).

  6. Case Study: Share a success story that relates to your offer.

  7. Next Steps: Naturally introduce your offer as the way to fully implement what they've learned.

Throughout the masterclass, sprinkle in references to your offer. Not in a salesy way, but in a "by the way, this is how we implement this in my program" way. This primes your audience for the offer to come.

Testing and Refining

Don't be afraid to test different approaches. You might find that a deep dive into one specific aspect of your offer works better than a broad overview. Or you might discover that a 'reverse engineering' approach, where you start with the end result and work backwards, resonates more with your audience.

The key is to monitor your results. Look at not just how many people attend your masterclass, but how many convert to your offer. This will give you valuable insights for refining your approach in future masterclasses.

Remember, your masterclass isn't just a standalone event. It's a pivotal part of your sales process. When designed with intent, it can be the bridge that turns interested leads into excited customers.

🦁 Step 4: Set Up Your Masterclass Ads Campaign

Now, let's dive into the nuts and bolts of your masterclass ads strategy.

Here's a breakdown of the key elements:

  1. Timing: Start your ads 7-10 days before the masterclass. This gives enough time for people to sign up without forgetting about the event.

  2. Campaign Objective: Choose the 'Leads' objective, even though you're sending people to a landing page rather than using lead ads.

  3. Audience Targeting: Set up two ad sets:

    • Warm Audience: Include your email list, social media engagers, website visitors, and video viewers.

    • Cold Audience: Use interest-based targeting or lookalike audiences.

  4. Ad Content:

    • Copy: Write compelling primary text, headlines, and image text.

    • Visuals: Test static images against short, point-of-view reels.

    • Call to Action: Use 'Learn More' or 'Sign Up' buttons, and include clear instructions in your ad copy.

  5. Budget:

    • Warm Audience: £5-£10 per day

    • Cold Audience: Start at £10-£15 per day

Remember, costs can vary widely depending on your target audience and offer.

B2B audiences typically cost more to reach than B2C.

🦁 Step 5: Consider Retargeting Ads Post-Masterclass

After your masterclass, retargeting ads can help convert attendees into customers.

Here's a quick guide:

🦁 Objective: Use traffic ads to drive people to your sales page.

🦁 Audience: Target your warm audience, including masterclass attendees.

🦁 Content: Create reels of you talking directly to camera about your offer, include social proof and client testimonials.

🦁 Budget: Aim for £3-£5 per day to support your organic sales efforts.

🦁 Conclusion: Building a Superfan Audience for Sustainable Success

Implementing this masterclass ads strategy isn't just about filling one event - it's about building a sustainable marketing system. By consistently growing your audience and nurturing them over time, you create a pool of 'super fans' who are primed and ready for your offers.

Think of it like Taylor Swift announcing a tour. She's not wondering if anyone will buy tickets; she's wondering how fast they'll sell out. That's the level of anticipation and excitement you want to create with your audience.

So start early, be consistent, and focus on building genuine connections. With this approach, your masterclass won't just be a one-off event - it'll be a pivotal part of your long-term business growth strategy.

Remember, a successful masterclass ads strategy is about more than just running ads. It's about creating a seamless journey for your audience, from their first interaction with your brand right through to becoming a loyal customer.

If you’re ready to take the leap into Facebook & Instagram ads, my Audience Builder Course is the perfect place to start. I’ll walk you step by step through 3 key Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns to allow you to grow your email list AND Instagram followers - for as little as £3/day.

Click here for all the info & to sign up.

What next?

If you’ve found this blog post useful, here are some ways you can be a part of my world:

1) Love an Instagram story? Good, me too! Come say hi & access plenty more of my free tips over on: @sophiegriffithsco

2) Listen to my podcast! It’s all about taking big, bold moves in your marketing with strategic, practical advice and loads of inspiration too! Click here to find out more and listen!

3) Interested in working with me? To check out the client services I offer here click here

Listen to the full podcast episode for additional insights and tips here.


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