3 key steps in creating a High-Performing Facebook ad campaign

Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed by Facebook ads? Don't worry, you're not alone!

Running a successful Facebook ad campaign can feel like trying to bake the perfect cake without a recipe...

You know you need some flour, maybe some eggs, and probably some butter. But when it comes to the specifics – like how much of each ingredient, or what temperature to set the oven – things get a bit fuzzy.

In this blog, I'm going to share with you my recipe for Facebook ad campaign success.

No more wandering aimlessly through the aisles of Ads Manager, hoping you've picked up the right ingredients.

No more crossing your fingers and hoping for the best as you hit that 'Publish' button.

I'm going to give you three essential questions that will act as your foolproof recipe.

These steps will help you:

✅ reach the right people,

✅ get them to take the right action,

✅ achieve the results you want.

No more feeling lost in Ads Manager or crossing your fingers and hoping for the best!

Today, we're diving into the three essential questions you need to ask yourself every time you build a campaign.

1) What Action Do I Want?

The first of our Facebook ad campaign recipe is all about your campaign objective. Ask yourself: What action do I want people to take?

Facebook knows how you interact with ads and organic posts. If you're a commenter, you'll see more engagement-focused ads. If you're a buyer (like me!), you'll see more sales ads. So, choosing the right objective is crucial.

Here are the six core objectives to consider:

  1. Engagement: For people likely to watch videos, save posts, or comment.

  2. Sales: For e-commerce and low-cost offers.

  3. Traffic: For people likely to click and go somewhere else (website, landing page, Instagram).

  4. Leads: For collecting contact details (usually name and email).

  5. Awareness: To show your ad to as many people as possible.

  6. App Promotion: For getting app downloads.

Remember, as small businesses, we often want people to take a specific action. So, while awareness might seem tempting, it's usually better to choose an objective that aligns with your desired outcome.

2) Who Do I Want to See This Ad?

The next step in our Facebook ad campaign recipe focuses on your audience. Ask yourself: Do I want people already in my world to see this ad, or do I want to reach new people?

For people already in your world (warm audience):

  • Use custom audiences

  • Upload your email list

  • Target Instagram and Facebook followers

  • Include website visitors

  • Target video viewers

This is great for showcasing your organic content that might not be getting enough reach. Think about 3-5 posts that would help new subscribers understand how you can support them.

For reaching new people (cold audience):

  • Use interest-based audiences

  • Consider lookalike audiences (but be cautious)

Interest-based audiences are usually the best starting point, especially if you're new to ads or don't have a large existing audience.

3) What Do I Want Them to See?

The final step in our Facebook ad campaign recipe is about your ad content. Break this down into three parts:

1. Copy: What will you write?

  • Primary copy (like a caption)

  • Headline

  • Image text

    2. Visual: What will they see?

  • Single image

  • Video (Reels are working well!)

  • Carousel

    3. Call to Action: What do you want them to do?

  • Choose a button (e.g., Sign Up, Download, Learn More)

  • Include a CTA in your headline

  • Add a CTA to your copy

Pro tip: Always include a clear call to action in your copy, like "Click the download button to get your free guide today.”

Putting It All Together: A Practical Example

Let's say you've got a new freebie and want people to sign up. Here's how you'd use these Facebook ad campaign secrets:

1. What action do I want?

  • Objective: Leads (to find people likely to sign up for a freebie)

    2. Who do I want to see this ad?

  • Audience: Cold audience with interest-based targeting (3-5 interests)

    3. What do I want them to see?

  • Copy: Hook, establish authority, preview guide content

  • Visual: Reel (e.g., "Point of view: You stopped dabbling in ads and start growing your email list...")

  • CTA: Download button

By answering these three questions, you've got a clear roadmap for your campaign. Now you just need to plug it all into Facebook Ads Manager!

Simplifying Your Facebook Ad Strategy

I hope this Facebook ad campaign recipe has shown you that you don't need to worry about all the options in Ads Manager. Stay focused on what you need from your campaign and don't get distracted.

Remember, creating successful Facebook ads is like baking that perfect cake. You need the right ingredients (your audience and content) and the right recipe (your campaign objective and structure). With these three questions as your guide, you'll be whipping up delicious, high-performing ad campaigns in no time!

If you’re ready to take the leap into Facebook & Instagram ads, my Audience Builder Course is the perfect place to start. I’ll walk you step by step through 3 key Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns to allow you to grow your email list AND Instagram followers - for as little as £3/day.

Click here for all the info & to sign up.

What next?

If you’ve found this blog post useful, here are some ways you can be a part of my world:

1) Love an Instagram story? Good, me too! Come say hi & access plenty more of my free tips over on: @sophiegriffithsco

2) Listen to my podcast! It’s all about taking big, bold moves in your marketing with strategic, practical advice and loads of inspiration too! Click here to find out more and listen!

3) Interested in working with me? To check out the client services I offer here click here

Listen to the full podcast episode for additional insights and tips here.


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