How to make it Inevitable that 2025 will be a 6 figure year

What's this episode of the lionhearted ceo podcast about?

Imagine going into 2025 already knowing you were going to hit your revenue goal. It was all locked in... secure. This is what I help my clients do and what I have created for myself, and in this episode I'm going to share how you can too.

Here's what we're covering:

  • Creating a Superfan System that grows your list AND builds an audience who are excited to buy from you

  • How to strategically stack your revenue for consistent, predictable income... without adding in loads of new offers.

  • Lionhearted Leadership & to create simple systems, an effective team and the mindset and identity shifts of a confident CEO.

You'll discover how to create a business that generates income even when you're not actively working, whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your existing venture.

Ready to create a business that gives you more freedom and less stress? Put the kettle on, grab a biscuit, and let's dive in!


LionHearted CEO Mastermind:

How would it feel going into January knowing you had already secured 6 figures for 2025? THAT is what we're going to be creating in the Mastermind. 

You've already got your core offers and some scalable offers (maybe too many...!). You might have a podcast or have written a book (or both!). But you know if you truly want to create a business where your revenue isn't tied to your time and energy, you need to be a hell of a lot more intentional about how you're growing your business. 

You know you need to probably streamline your offers, invest in team support and actually start leveraging ads... but left doing it on your own, you know it won't happen (well, not fast enough!). 

Sound perfect? 

The LionHearted CEO is for you!

Click HERE for a video where I spill the tea on the Mastermind and HERE for all the info & how to sign up.


You're not new to running your own business. You love running your business. But you are ready to take it up a level and start really seeing yourself as a business owner with secure, predictable revenue. 

You're probably aiming for around ÂŖ3-5k/m, you have a core offer but want to start to introduce additional revenue streams, ads, systems maybe some team support. 

You know you want to scale and you want to prioritise getting the right foundations in place so that once you are ready, you can dial up the revenue, without burning out. 

Sound perfect?

The INEVITABLE Mini Mind is for you! 

Click HERE for a video where I spill the tea on the mini mind and HERE for all the info & how to sign up.

Hi! I’m your host Sophie Griffiths, a Meta ads expert and business growth strategist.

The LionHearted CEO podcast is designed for impatiently ambitious women who are ready to scale and often juggling motherhood alongside their thriving online businesses in coaching, course creation, or service-based business.

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Love Instagram? Click here to watch a video I made on the Warm audience trap (hint, it's something almost every client struggles with!)More of a LinkedIn fan? I'm there too! Come and follow me here: Sophie Griffiths

Free Resource:

Ready to grow an audience of people who WANT you to sell to them? Radical idea I know, but it shouldn’t be! Click here to get access to my step by step guide to using simple, effective ads to build & nurture a community of superfans,

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Ready to build an audience of superfans who are excited and ready to buy from you?
Whether you are just starting with Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Ads, you have dabbled but want to build your confidence with your first funnel, or you're already killing it and you're ready for fast growth - I can help! Click here to choose the best option for you

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Read the transcript:

NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. [00:00:00] Hello and a big welcome to Lionhearted CEO, the podcast for unapologetically, impatiently ambitious women who know they want to stop being the bottleneck in their business and become the Lionhearted CEO they know they are meant to be. I'm Sophie Griffiths, a tea enthusiast, marketing and Metis ad specialist and firm believer. The chocolate should never be kept in the fridge. Join me every Tuesday and Thursday for bold, imperfect, fun approach to marketing and scaling your business without burning out every few months. We'll dive into practical strategies and have inspirational conversations that will support you to create a thriving, sustainable business that brings you joy as well as financial freedom. Okay, let's jump in. Hello. Welcome to this week's episode of line. Heart is. Today, I'm going to give you a little bit of an overview of a four day online event. I ran last week called inevitable. Now I only launched it the week [00:01:00] before, this was because I had a little bit of divine inspiration. If you like. When I was chatting to my coach about what would feel really farm and exciting to start to talk about these three pillars the I've created following my own business growth. And also after working with hundreds of clients on that ads, but also on the businesses that sit behind the ads. Fundamentally the reason why some people run ads and get insane results and other people run. It adds, am Rhonda, why on earth and not getting insane results is because of the business that sits behind the ads. I never recommend people only grow their business based on ads. If you're just running ads and you're hoping to just, put more and more and more money behind the ads and scale your business that way. That isn't the model that I generally work with. Some people do that and have great results for me. I am much more about having a really strong firm foundation of a business. And then using ads to amplify that it's a little bit like organic social media. So if someone took away [00:02:00] Instagram tomorrow, would you still have a business? Would you still be able to get clients? Would you be able to reach your audience? Would you have money that was recurring and coming in While you worked out how to get that back on track. It's the same with ads. If you have a really farm strong foundation of a business where you have a team, you have systems, you have clients and you have multiple streams of revenue, ways of selling. If your ad account got shut down overnight. You would want to make sure that not only did you have revenue secure, in the future, ideally like between three to six months in advance, but also that it's not going to massively impact how you generate revenue going forward. So yes, it would be annoying, but it wouldn't completely stop your business. That's what I work on with clients. When I worked with them. One-to-one. And that's what I've been doing my own. Business. Having run inevitable and gone through the three core pillars of the superfan system. The strategically stacking revenue and lighthearted leadership. What I really wanted to share with you the three top takeaways from each of those pillars that I shared each of the days. Both from when I was putting it together, the three things I really wanted people to take [00:03:00] away. And from the feedback I've got as well. What people got the most out of them. What helped them the most in terms of what they were thinking about and how they were planning their offers. So I'm going to start with a superfan system. Now, if you haven't heard of the superfan system before, this is my system, I use my own business with my clients across all of my offers. The fundamentals about art that you use. Meta ads. To grow your email list and your social media to build an audience of people who are excited to buy from you. So there's three core elements to the superfan system. There's your actual ads and the lead magnet. So there's kind of everything that people see on the ad, including the lead magnet. Then there's your organic contents. That includes social media emails, your website, LinkedIn, everything we're doing organically. And then the last thing is something I call the goal offer. Now when you're creating the superfan system, especially the first time we're mapping this out. What I do is most people start at their ads or the lead magnet. Then they think about their emails and their social media content. And then they go to the offer. Now the biggest switch that people have told me they [00:04:00] had when they watched the content. Is the way I work is to switch that round. So we start with a goal offer. And the reason why sometimes it feels hard when you're building a funnel and a lead magnet and doing your content is that you feel like you actually want to lead people to a lot of offers. You've got loads to give. I get that, you don't necessarily want them to go to just one offer. But what if they don't want the local stuff? Or what if they want my high ticket thing, I might be missing out on a sale. And really the core thing I want you to remember here is the superfan system is about connection. The superfan system is about superfans. It's not about sales, the sales com and that absolutely will happen. But if you just focus on this idea of superfans, it will totally transform how you view the whole thing. So instead of doing lead magnet, organic content, and then trying to promote every single offer that you've got which can make them the organic content and the lead magnet feel really generic because you don't want to kind of close anybody off. What we do is actually the opposite. We get really, really specific and we start with a goal offer. I'm going to give you my examples. And my [00:05:00] course is called the audience builder course. It's 197 pounds and people will buy that from the sales page without requiring a zoom call with me. It's not a high ticket offer. Sometimes they'll ask me questions, but generally speaking, people just buy it from seeing my content are reading the sales page, et cetera. So that's my goal offer is the audience builder course. If we then worked backwards into the organic content, it's all about priming people with your content, so that once they reach the sales page, they're ready to buy making sure that your organic content, whether it's Instagram or your emails, those are the two primary ones someone's going to see when they sign up to your email list on the ad, for example, they're going to join your list and from the ad, they can kind of go and see your Instagram or Facebook profile. You want to make sure that your organic content in your email content. Leaned to them and primes them towards that goal offer. Now it doesn't mean all your social media content has to be about your low ticket offer. In fact, if anything, a lot of my organic content, especially on social media is actually about my high ticket offers. But I know whether someone is buying [00:06:00] a low ticket offer for me or a high ticket offer. I tend to attract a similar type of person. So as long as I'm talking to that type of person, that organic content is making sense. My email welcome sequence. It's really primed to move people towards the audience builder course. That's the goal offer. And then finally the lead magnet and the ads are really, really specific to the kind of people I want to be talking to that are likely to need the audience builder calls. So for me, that's people who are looking at scaling or using audience hungry offers. They want more people in their world they're service-based businesses course creators. Done for you service providers and it's their first time with ads, maybe not completely their first time, but it's, they're ready to kind of take it really seriously and actually invest in a strategy. those are my people and that's who my lead magnet would be aimed at . The welcome sequences and super focused on the goal offer. And then the offer is there for them to buy. Now that doesn't mean everybody is going to buy the offer. In fact, quite a small percentage will end up actually buying the offer. And that's fine. [00:07:00] They're going to go through that. They're going to come into my world and then I have a lot of ways then of talking to them organically through the podcast, through. LinkedIn, Instagram, my emails my stories. There's so many ways then they're in my world and that's when they start becoming super fans. Now there's a lot more to it. But my key takeaways are start with the offer. Create this goal offer, or that can be sold directly from a sales page and start there. Then move backwards towards your organic content. Thinking about what is priming people towards this offer. I'll answer that questions. In your email sequence, send them to content on your Instagram, send them to things like podcasts that you've created, or send them to podcast episodes that address common concerns about your offer. Think about ways. How can you prime them? To want your offer. And then finally develop a really specific lead magnet that aligns with your goal offer. so that you make sure you're getting the right people in this funnel. And not just anyone who's interested in potentially running ads, for example. The next day was talking about [00:08:00] strategically stacking revenue. Now this is not about creating hundreds of offers. This is not about having a. Nine pound 11 pound 27 pound 97 pound 1 9, 7 pounds. It's not about stacking hundreds of different offers and getting clients to choose between a million offers. Actually what this is about. I was about creating services and offers that provide consistent income. So optimizing for recurring revenue. Has been my overarching goal for most of the last year or so. That comes across in all sorts of different ways. The main one really is actually one-to-one when I work with clients is I always offer payment plans. Whether we're working together for eight weeks, whether it's an in-person event, whether it's the audience builder course. Then really, there's always an option to pay monthly because I like to know what money I've got coming and going forward. I'd rather have consistent 10 K months. Then I would have a 30 K month and then a 5k month for me, that just feels much safer. The next thing I talked about was creating truly [00:09:00] scalable offers that you can grow and scale without it demanding more of your time and energy. So, for example, the audience builder calls someone can buy that and consume it without it impacting me at all. I do have an option for group coaching calls there in my diary that every fortnight give that the opportunity for people to get support if they need it. But whether I have five people sign up one month or 25 people. I don't have any sales calls. I don't have any additional time in my diary to support clients. They come to the group call or they do on their own. That is a truly scalable course. Anything that has your one-to-one time in it? For me, it's not truly scalable. However there are ways to make it scalable by getting support with delivery I have like an agency side of the business which is all clients that I do ads for ads management for and I've been able to scale that because I've taken on a team members to support me with delivery So that is still scalable. I'm not going to say it's truly scalable in the sense that I could have as many clients as I wanted [00:10:00] because that would create quite a lot of complexity so my truly scalable offer is my low ticket offer but I still have other scalable elements in the rest of my business And then the last thing really Is collaborating and diversifying so looking for opportunities to partner with others with my audience builder course yes I sell it through my organic and my ads and my email I also Have affiliates who sell it for me as well And I also license it so that it's sold as part of other people's group programs who want an ads module To help the people in their program get the results from whatever they're teaching I'm also an ads coach in a group program as well so I get paid for that And I also do things like speaking and I'm an affiliate for others as well there's lots and lots of different ways I generate revenue Which allows me to not rely on one income source But I haven't just created these overnight these are things I've built over time and have allowed me to kind of layer up the revenue so that I can see what's coming in in the future rather than just what's coming in this month and then on the [00:11:00] third day I looked at light and hearted leadership So this was really looking at systems team and mindset and identity The first thing I talked about was systems and I think the key takeaway from there is to look at your business systems and audit them against business operations client delivery and business growth which is mostly marketing for me Now by creating these three core categories and then looking at what systems you have in each what you can actually see is Right where have I got quite a lot of systems Where are my lacking systems So what I often find is in client delivery people really lack systems especially around like onboarding everything is done manually especially when you are used to doing one to one and it doesn't feel like you really need a load of automation systems as soon as you bring in any kind of audience hungry programme you're gonna need a much slicker system And next week I've got a whole episode dedicated to systems and these three different areas sharing exactly what I use for my business and how I've split them out And the lessons I've learned over time in terms of which systems to use and [00:12:00] how to integrate them into the business the next takeaway was about team and it's not just about bringing people in for specific tasks But giving them overarching responsibility and outcomes So it's not just about Oh here these are the tasks that I'd like you to do for the podcast but me still owning it It's actually saying you own the outcome of the podcast in terms of getting it up at the right time and the right date with everything ready to go And reporting back to me on how it's doing Yes I'm recording the content Obviously ultimately the content relies with me But not having me like with my finger in that pie saying oh actually shall I do the show notes I want someone else to really own that entire project And then finally this idea of mindset and identity being the cornerstone really of transitioning from I run a business to I am the CEO of a business For me the turning point was truly connecting with this idea that I wanted a business Where my time and energy didn't drive the revenue for this month I wanted to know that I had revenue coming in in the [00:13:00] future So if I wanted to step back or put my time and attention elsewhere or just go to some more in person events or Be around for the children more I knew how much money was coming in in advance and I knew that if I didn't want to generate any more revenue that month That's fine I'd still hit my revenue goals And if I did then I could use my time and energy to do that but the business wasn't reliant on it And I think that's the difference of feeling like I'd love to take some time off this month but I can't because I haven't got the right amount of revenue coming in Or if I stop I have to accept I'm gonna earn less this month if I want that to be a reality then I have to put in the team the systems the revenue stacking the ads to create superfans not just to grow an email list It has to be done That was really the turning point for me and I think that mindset and identity is really really important So those are my key takeaways from each of those core pillars that we went through last week in Inevitable And they are the exact same pillars that are the foundation of the Lionhearted CEO mastermind and the inevitable mini mind both of which are launching in October, The [00:14:00] reason, why I'm launching a mastermind and a mini mind in the same month, which I know sounds slightly ridiculous. It's because I work with the same type of women they're ambitious. They're impatient. They want to grow their business. They love their business. But they are absolutely clear that they do not want to have to rely on their time and energy to generate revenue each month. They want it secure. They want to feel safe. They want to be able to have that money. They want to know that they have got revenue coming in, in the future. As well as this month, whether it is 3000 pounds or 30,000 pounds, they want to know that that money is coming in every month. Now, the reason why I'm doing a mastermind and a mini mind is because for me, there's two phases around that. When you're aiming for That future consistency. So we're not looking to hit a certain amount. We're looking to consistently generate that each month predictably in advance. Generally in the first phase, we're looking at around three to 5,000 pounds a month. And that allows you to have one core signature offer, whether that's one-to-one done [00:15:00] for you a group program, however you'd like to work. And then at this point, we're looking at layering in some kind of audience hungry offer. So, whether that's a group program, a low-cost offer. Membership whatever it is, there tends to be a point where you're like, okay, I need to bring in more people into my world. So that's where we dig into this superfan system. You want to be growing your audience all the time, generating some revenue, maybe offsetting with a low cost offer, but making sure that you're always building an audience of people who know you trust you. I'm ready and excited to work with you. And that's the first step as well towards the revenue stacking, which is the second pillar. So when we start to say, there is more than one way I can generate revenue each month. If you just have that high ticket offer the one-to-one the dump for you. That's your only way. If you don't get a client that month, then you're not adding the revenue. If you decide to take a month off or you have to have some time off and you don't take a client on your revenue depths. So being able to prevent that happening, start to have these [00:16:00] multiple levels of revenue. And that's again, that's the initial step is bringing in this audience hungry offer, and then how we sell that audience hungry offer. That's when the real magic comes in. We're not just looking at maybe ads to sell it. Maybe we're also looking at different ways to generate revenue from a single offer. And finally it's lighthearted leadership where at this level we're really looking at how can I bring in some simple systems? How can I actually use a task management system so that if I were to bring a team in, I could easily see what I wanted to give them and how I would then communicate with them. What systems is it? I want to use in my business. Automating onboarding, for example, for a group program or making sure that your social media suddenly isn't just ad hoc and on the day actually are using a system to plan it in advance. So it's bringing in those simple systems, potentially a team member to support you, whether that's a VA or with client delivery. And then really working on your mindset as well. Actually he's starting to spend money on a team using ads. There's a lot of mindset work that goes on there to allow you for that [00:17:00] growth. And to invest the money and to you really believe that you can have this business? That is not purely reliant on your time and energy. And then for the mastermind is exactly the same pillars and this is why it feels so right to me to have the two running at the same time. But it's the next phase. So for the superfan system, you might already be running ads. You've definitely already got some low ticket offers. Awesome. Like audience hungry offers. If you like. And what we're really doing then is putting the systems in place to really sell those. We want to be bringing in people and we want them to trust you quickly. We want to be selling those local stuffers and we want to have a really clear, mapped out journey. Maybe we have more than one journey that where people come in, and we've got a really clear idea. On how people move from your low ticket offer through potentially your other office suite as well. So you maybe don't just have one high ticket offer. You've got some other options as well. And then with the revenue's lacking. We're really taking that to the next level. We're looking at things like affiliates and licensing out courses and looking at other ways to [00:18:00] generate revenue. That mean they stack each month. So you know exactly what's coming in and you are not reliant at all on a single offer. And then finally with the leadership element, this is where we really dig in to systems, to growing a team, to making sure that if you stepped out of the business, everything would run really smoothly and your clients are still getting an incredible experience even when you're not there. Again, that does take a huge amount of mindset and identity work. So that's a little bit of an explanation around the mastermind and the mini mind, the difference between the two, why you would maybe go for one or the other. I'm not putting like revenue amounts on it. They're not absolutes, but generally speaking, if you're aiming for those consistent, future proof secure between maybe the three and seven K months. That's the mini mind. , if you are looking at. Pushing closer to the 10 K up to the like 15, 20 plus K months. That's the mastermind. And the reason why I'm splitting them out is because I'm incredibly passionate. About being in spaces where you feel like everyone is in the same area [00:19:00] as you, there's nothing worse than getting on a call where you're struggling with like starting something up and someone is so far ahead of you that you're like, oh God, I'm never going to get that. That feels a bit de-motivating and vice versa. If you're the one that's far ahead and you're like, I want to talk about the complexities of running multiple different group programs at the same time. And then you're supporting people who are just starting with a group program. Again, that can feel a little bit misaligned. So that's why I'm separating them out. I'm super excited about both of them. They are going to be incredible. And there's more information on them in the show notes. Thank you so much for listening today As always I love to chat in the DMs if you've got any questions or if you've had any light bulb moments or anything that sparked some inspiration I would absolutely love to know Come on over to Instagram and I will speak to you there thank you so much for listening today. Before you go, if this episode struck record with you, I'd be over the moon. If you could take a moment to rate, subscribe, and leave a review, your words not only brighten up my day, but they are also the magic that helps others discover this [00:20:00] lion hearted community. Again, thank you so much and I will see you next week.

From Memberships to High-Ticket: Unlocking Revenue in Your Current Business Model