Escape the Warm Audience Trap with Organic Content Strategies for Meta Ads Success

Break Free from the Echo Chamber: How to Create Content That Attracts New Audiences and Fuels Your Meta Ads

What's this episode of the lionhearted ceo podcast about?

Are you stuck in a content creation loop, speaking only to those who already know and love you? This "warm audience trap" could be sabotaging your Meta ads and stunting your business growth. In the 3rd episode of The Client Cure mini series, we're tackling the content strategy mistakes that keep you invisible to potential dream clients and showing you how to break free.

In this episode, you'll discover:

β€’ How to create content that turns scrollers into superfans πŸ”₯

β€’ Why your 'nurturing' content might be your biggest business blocker

β€’ The one question you MUST ask before hitting 'post' on any content

β€’ My radio DJ trick for keeping your audience tuned in (literally!)

β€’ How to strike the perfect balance between cold and warm content

Plus, I'll share the simple shift that'll have potential clients hanging on your every word (even if they've never heard of you before)!

Ready to create content that magnetizes your dream clients? Hit play now and let's turn up the volume on your organic reach! πŸš€

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss tomorrow's episode on creating an irresistible offer stack!

Hi! I’m your host Sophie Griffiths, a Meta ads expert and business growth strategist.

The LionHearted CEO podcast is designed for impatiently ambitious women who are ready to scale and often juggling motherhood alongside their thriving online businesses in coaching, course creation, or service-based business.

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Love Instagram? Click here to watch a video I made on the Warm audience trap (hint, it's something almost every client struggles with!)More of a LinkedIn fan? I'm there too! Come and follow me here: Sophie Griffiths


Ready to grow an audience of people who WANT you to sell to them? Radical idea I know, but it shouldn’t be! Click here to get access to my step by step guide to using simple, effective ads to build & nurture a community of superfans,

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Ready to build an audience of superfans who are excited and ready to buy from you?
Whether you are just starting with Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Ads, you have dabbled but want to build your confidence with your first funnel, or you're already killing it and you're ready for fast growth - I can help! Click here to choose the best option for you

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Read the transcript:

NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. [00:00:00] Welcome to episode three of the five-part miniseries, the client cure. Now, if you haven't listened to the previous two episodes, make sure you take a listen after this one and hit the subscribe button. So you don't miss any future episodes. In today's episode, we are delving into your organic content. [00:00:17] Why it makes such a big difference to building an audience of superfans. What exactly the warm audience trap is and how to avoid falling into it. The one question you need to ask yourself before you post any piece of content. Okay. Let's start with your organic content. Now I'm going to primarily talk about Instagram, just because that is my main platform. [00:00:38] And it's a lot of my clients main platforms. However, if you are using LinkedIn Facebook, you can use any of this advice as well. It's relevant to all social platforms. Okay. So when you're thinking about building an audience of super fans, you're probably thinking about creating content that nurtures them and engages them. [00:00:53] Right. You're going to create super fans by people getting to know you. However, before you get to know them, you [00:01:00] need them to follow you and be interested in your content. Now, this is a step that's often overlooked. So, you know, when you're scrolling and there's people in your feed where when you see one of their posts, you activity, look at it. [00:01:11] You're like, Ooh, that looks good. It doesn't really matter. If the image has a strong hurt, it doesn't matter what the first one of the text is. They're interesting to you and you're going to go and have a quick look to see if it's relevant. Then there's the people in your feed who just sort of scroll past it just doesn't really take your interest. [00:01:27] You want to be the one that they stop and look at. So, how do you do that? How do you get to that point? You need to intentionally create content for a cold audience. Now you might think I'm already doing the safety. This is old news. I already create content for new people who come onto my page. However, I would say 90% of people I see are actually falling into the warm audience trap. [00:01:51] And you don't even know it. Okay. So what is the warm audience drop? It's actually a concept that I made up myself to describe how small businesses. I [00:02:00] often fall into default of only creating content that nurtures, and then some that converts, you know, sales posts, ones that we try and get people to buy stuff from us. But the rest of the content is very much nurture content. And there's very little that speaks purely to a cold audience. [00:02:17] Okay. Now, how do we know if content is for a cold or warm audience? There were two things I tend to look at. The first thing is, is the post talking about you? All them. Now. You might have no idea you're doing this. Okay. But if you go and grab your phone, And have a look at your grid. [00:02:34] Look at the last, like nine to 12 posts. How many of them talk about you? How many of them on the hook on the cover or just a general theme of it? Have I, me. They're talking about you. Like how I made 10 K how my client did this. Okay. That's the number one thing to look at. If you're talking about yourself is likely to be a post-it to your warm audience. [00:02:57] Okay. If you're talking about your clients, so [00:03:00] you, your, those words is likely to be a cold post now. Now just take a step back. Okay. So you've seen an ad from someone you've never heard of before and you click on the name and go through onto that grid. [00:03:10] Okay. When you have a quick scan of the top nine posts, right? You have no context. You don't know who they are. You don't know what's going on. Okay. You're just going to have a look at these posts now to be brutally honest at this point in my journey. I'm not really interested in why you became a coach, why you run every day. [00:03:29] Even how you got to 10 K months, there's just, there's no trust. There's no authority. There's no context. Do you know what I. I want to know. I want to know how you can solve my problems. I want to know how I can get to 10 K. I want to know how I can build a habit that I can run every day. Can you help me? [00:03:43] Is your content going to be helpful for me? And if I see a lot of and no post that call out to me about why I should follow. I'm not likely to stick around. Now, I'm not saying you should never create posts about you. [00:03:56] I actually create a lot of warm audience posts. I, I [00:04:00] love engaging and nurturing my audience and they absolutely have a place, but often the balance goes a little bit too far. And if someone comes on your feed and sees a lot of reference to programs, they see the name, but you don't explain what it is or who it's for. [00:04:14] If they see posts about you and how you're getting on with your business, you know, review of June. Review of Q1 review of hot half year. Like it's all really interesting to your warm audience and you absolutely can do those posts. But what often is missing is those posts that really tell people that really address those desires, those pain points, like how you actually help people. [00:04:36] The second way you can know if as opposed for a cold audience and a warm audience is. If you've posted an image or a real without any texts on it. So when I looking on the grid, all I can see is an image. It's for your warm audience. Okay. [00:04:49] It doesn't matter what the con it doesn't matter what the content is. It doesn't matter what the context is. Actually, my pet hate of this is Instagram lives, where I can only see like half a person at the top and half a person on the bottom. Okay. Now, [00:04:59] [00:05:00] why is this for your warm audience? It's because you are expecting people to have enough interest to click on the image. Read the caption or watch the entire Instagram live to work out if that post is relevant to them or not. Okay. Now the people that are going to do that are the ones that are the ones that are looking for your posts when they're scrolling, they're the ones who are interested in what you're doing. [00:05:21] They may even consider working with you. These ones are absolutely going to click on those posts. I'm not saying you have to have writing on every single post, but if I go into a feed and all it has. His images with no text. Are you expecting me to go through every single post and decide whether that post is relevant for me or not? [00:05:39] Because it's going to be a lot of time and energy on my part. And at this point I'm not very invested. I'm actually much more likely to go back onto my feed and find someone who every single post has an image with some writing on it. So I know at least whether the post is for me or not. Okay. So that's why those posts are for the warm audience. Irrespective of what the actual content is. And just to put [00:06:00] this into a little bit of context. Lovely client told me recently that she used to be a radio DJ. And they were trained to reset the audience. After every song. [00:06:09] And if you think about it, it's really true, right? You're often here, like you're listening to heart FM or I'm Sophie Griffis, and this is the breakfast show coming up is okay. It was really common. You hear it all the time, probably to the point where you didn't even notice it anymore. They know that a lot of people don't listen to entire radio shows. You know, you're getting in the car for 10 minutes. You put the radio on you're cooking dinner for half an hour. You have the radio on. Often we're not having an entire end to end shows. It's not like a podcast where you start at the beginning and finish at the end. [00:06:36] So they know they have to keep re-introducing themselves speaking to that cold audience to try and get them to listen, to tell them what's going on to tell them who they are, give them some context. And if you are listening all the way through, so if you do have on, in the background that say when you're working all day you hear that intro? Over and over again. But it just becomes part of the rhythm you become, you just learn to expect it and it's not irritating. [00:06:58] Cause it's just normal. It just [00:07:00] is what it is. So kind of want you to take that context and just apply it to your own Instagram. [00:07:04] Another thing that I say to people is when they're doing a cold audience post. I either in the caption or if you're doing a real, especially a talk to camera real, [00:07:13] you might want to start with a hook. So let's say, are you falling into the warm audience trap? And then you might say. If you don't know me, I'm Sophie and I help ambitious women to grow an audience of superfans using Facebook ads. And then you'd go into the actual real. [00:07:27] Okay. But just having that one sentence literally probably took me two seconds to say, it's not anyone who knows me. Isn't going to be like, oh God, Why she introducing herself to me, that's so weird. They're just going to let it go and just keep watching the video. Or you can also do it in the caption as well. [00:07:43] You might want to put halfway do that. Found the caption. Like if you don't know me, I help ambitious women who wants to grow an audience of superfans. So you can put it anywhere. And it, all it does is just pray a little bit of context for people who might be seeing that post for the first time. So, what is the question that you need to ask yourself before you post any [00:08:00] piece of content? [00:08:01] It's really simple. All I want you to ask yourself is, is this. Intentionally for my cold audience or my warm audience. I mean, potentially a hot audience. So your sales posts are mostly for your hot audience. Okay. Cause we're like, okay, you've been here a while now. Let's actually take some action. But I want you to be intentional with it. [00:08:20] Okay. When you put that post up, if it's a warm audience post, absolutely fine. Okay. Absolutely fine. But just know that it's a warm audience post. And then really consciously you'll suddenly think like, Hmm. Yeah. Okay. The last six have been warm audience posts and then to a hot audience. Where was my cold audience posts. [00:08:37] Just being intentional about him. After this episode, if there is one thing you do go and have a look at your grid. And when you're thinking about your content, just start to think, okay. How can I integrate a couple of cold audience posts, because it will make the world of difference to your conversions. [00:08:52] When people find your profile, if you have those posts in there, they are so much more likely to follow you. And especially if you are running [00:09:00] ads to grow your Instagram following, which is what I teach in my audience builder course. If you're spending money, getting people onto Instagram profile, you want to make sure as many of those people as possible are following you. So that's what I would be doing before I start running these ads. Okay. Okay, let me say box. [00:09:17] Now tomorrow's episode is all about creating an effective offer stack so that when someone comes into your world, the next step to them is obvious. And just can't be ignored. I'm going to tell you all about how to do that tomorrow. And I will see you then.

Craft Your Irresistible Offer Stack: The Golden Thread Strategy


Designing an Irresistible Lead Magnet for facebook Ads that actually Attracts Your Ideal Clients