Craft Your Irresistible Offer Stack: The Golden Thread Strategy

Are your offers more of a jumbled jigsaw than a clear path to success? Time to weave a golden thread (and I'll show you how!).

What's this episode of the lionhearted ceo podcast about?

In this episode of The Client Cure, we're diving into the art of creating an offer stack so irresistible, your clients can't help but take the next step. Whether you have multiple offers or just one signature service, you'll learn how to guide your ideal clients seamlessly from your lead magnet to your core offer.

Here's what you'll discover:

β€’ The 3 main stumbling blocks preventing your offers from converting (and how to fix them!)

β€’ Why your lead magnet might be attracting the wrong crowd (and how to align it with your signature service)

β€’ The delicate balance of nurturing vs selling (and when to do each)

β€’ How to create a low-ticket offer that builds trust and primes clients for bigger investments

Plus, I'm sharing two simple changes you can implement right now to start seeing results in your funnel.

Ready to turn your offer stack into a client-attracting powerhouse? This episode is your blueprint for success!

Don't miss this chance to transform your Meta ads strategy and create a clear, logical progression that feels irresistible to your dream clients. Tune in now and let's weave that golden thread together!

Hi! I’m your host Sophie Griffiths, a Meta ads expert and business growth strategist.

The LionHearted CEO podcast is designed for impatiently ambitious women who are ready to scale and often juggling motherhood alongside their thriving online businesses in coaching, course creation, or service-based business.

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NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. [00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to the fourth episode of the client cure. Today we're going to be talking about how to create a golden thread. From your lead magnet all the way through your offers and to your big signature offer. [00:00:11] Now you didn't have to have a lot of offers for their say before you say I've only got one offer. I am going to show you how you can use free content and smaller offers to create what we know is an offer stack to help people build trust and move towards working with you. So, if you're not getting clients from your ads, you're consistently growing your audience with a lead magnet that you know is spot on and you've got great content going out which you know, is aimed at your cold audience. [00:00:35] Then you probably have an offer issue now I'm not necessarily talking about an issue with your actual offer. I'm talking about how your offers link together and how your clients perceive and experience your offers. [00:00:47] Okay. Now, as I've said, you don't have to have loads of offers. You don't have to have a huge stack, you know, low ticket, mid ticket and high ticket. You don't have to have loads of upsells down, sells ad-ons upgrades. But what you [00:01:00] do have needs to be logical and clear. And you need to understand your ideal client's buying behavior so help them get clear on how you can help them and which offer is right for them. So [00:01:11] in this episode, I'm going to talk about the three main stumbling blocks. I see when trying to create that golden thread through your office. And then I'll share two simple changes. You can make straight away. Okay, so [00:01:23] the first one I see is that your lead ad doesn't link strong enough to your signature service. Now by your signature service, I mean your big end goal. So whether that's a high ticket, one-to-one whether that's a group program. Wherever your ultimate goal for them. that's what I'm calling your signature service. [00:01:40] If there's a disconnect between why they decided they needed the lead magnet. And why they would use your service. That's when you're going to have a problem, you're going to be bringing people into your world. They might be ideal clients, but their pain point, that trigger points. If you go back to the episode where I talked about lead magnets, on day two, I was talking very much about [00:02:00] understanding these trigger points of your clients. [00:02:01] Now you can understand a trigger point for designing your lead magnet. However, if the trigger point for your lead magnet is not the same as your trigger point for your service, then there's going to be a disconnect. [00:02:13] So I'll give you a quick example for my own business. I have multiple different ideal clients. So if I was running an ad, for clients to go into my audience builder, because that's my ultimate goal. I want to attract people who haven't experienced ads before, who wants to learn how to do it themselves, who are service businesses. [00:02:31] And they're at a point where they're kind of ready to scale. They're ready to bring some automation into their business. Then my lead mark them and the trigger point for why someone might get my lead. [00:02:40] Mike, Matt is going to be very different. To if I was going to create a lead magnet for, clients coming into my consultancy business, where their trigger point is they're scaling. They're spending more money on ads. They want to set up slightly more complex funnels. They want sell multiple products, three funnels. They are two very different ideal clients. [00:02:59] Now, if I was to [00:03:00] use a lead magnet to attract my consultancy clients, for example, however, I actually wanted to sell more of my audience builder calls. Can you see how there's a disconnect there? So if I was using this lead magnet and ads, and I was getting people in who were ready to scale and go to, multi six, figure seven figure businesses. And then I was trying to sell them the audience builder course, that's a disconnect and I'm going to sell far, fewer than if I line up my lead magnet and the trigger point for why people want to do DIY ads. [00:03:27] So maybe they want to start with ads for the first time. So maybe my lead magnet, there is like an ads toolkit. That's a much better thread through to that selling the audience builder course. So you need to make sure that your lead magnet links really strongly to the service that you really want to sell. [00:03:43] Now you might say, well, I want to sell both. I want to sell my DIY course, and I want more consultancy clients. And really the answer to that is to have two lead magnets and two sets of ads running. Or is to think about which one is best placed. For your ads and which one could you do in a [00:04:00] different way? [00:04:00] Organically word of mouth referrals, borrowing other people's audiences. You're speaking podcast, guesting. There's so many other ways you could bring clients in, especially like consultancy level clients where you're looking at a far fewer volume and then maybe use ads to bring in the people that are the kind of more DIY level, where it's more of a high volume offer. So. When I first chat to a client about their lead magnet, what I always want to know is what is the end goal for these people in terms of working together? [00:04:30] Because that is really going to define what that trigger point is, what that lead magnet is and how we build the entire customer journey from there. Okay. What we talk about in the welcome sequence. What content we direct them to what additional like freebies and value we send to them. So you've got to be super, super clear about where you're sending them. I'm making sure that your lead magnet is totally then connected with your angle. So the second stumbling block I see. Is that you're asking too much too [00:05:00] soon. Now this often happens if you have a high ticket offer and you want people to book a call and I know this might be slightly controversial, and I know that a lot of templated welcome sequences and sales coaches and people with really great businesses. They ask for the sale really quickly they will go for the call really early on. And I'm not saying that it never works. And sometimes people will find you on an ad. They will come into your world. They'll book, a call. And with within 48 hours they've bought or your high ticket offer. However. In my experience most won't. And more and more. [00:05:35] I have found over the last few years that buyer behavior is based on trust. Or authority and connection. And that takes time. Now, obviously, if you do have a larger audience or you see some with a large audience doing this. I just know that they already getting that trust. So that all authority, that connection, even just from having a bigger, following a bigger audience, because there's some borrowed trust there, , and a lot of other people follow [00:06:00] them and trust them than I probably should too. [00:06:02] So that's why often works really well for, very established businesses and a very well-known. However, when you, haven't got a big audience like that, when you're still growing your audience. So you're not overly well-known. It's much, much harder to build that trust or authority and connection straight off the bat with literally an email or two. [00:06:19] Okay. So when I work with clients who have high ticket offers, Generally, what we do is grow the list and really double down on nurturing them. Showing value with them and absolutely sharing the book, but within that ecosystem of, sharing a podcast where at the end of the call traction is maybe book a call knowing that if someone has got the act to the end of a 35 minute podcast, they're a lot warmer than if they've just opened one email. Same thing with Instagram lives or YouTube videos. Or even someone who's followed and is kind of engaging with your Instagram content. [00:06:51] Like, you know, you could put a Booker call, call to action on one of your Instagram posts. But in terms of getting someone onto your email list and then for your entire welcome [00:07:00] sequence, just prompting them to book a call, book a call, book, a call as the only call to action. For me. That can be really challenging in terms of getting the clients that you're looking for. So, as I said, instead, we grow the lest we nurture and direct them to content, which absolutely has call to actions then, but it's really key that the call to action is within and at the end of the content, rather than just in the email initially. [00:07:21] And then we have conversion events, so longer opportunities for people to get to know you and build that trust. [00:07:26] So that could be masterclasses. It could be workshops, it could be private podcast series. There's lots of different ways to do that. But that opportunity to go deeper and get to know you before then kind of getting the opportunity to book a call or buy from you. [00:07:41] If you're kind of going for high ticket sales. [00:07:44] And then the last stumbling block that I see is that you're not asking for the sale at all. So people come into your world either there's no welcome sequence at all. Which in itself would be my number one priority. [00:07:55] If you're running ads and you're building your email list, you know, and you're expecting to get clients from it, you [00:08:00] absolutely need to have a welcome sequence there. And no, I don't love like a full sales welcome sequence where we're just saying like, book a call, book, a call, book, a call. [00:08:08] And it's all sales content. But also on the flip side of that is if we don't ask for the sale, if we don't offer any kind of next step forward. Then that's really hard as well, because you know, the likelihood of you getting clients when you don't offer them, anything is really hard. One really great funnel that I saw from a copywriter was a freebie, which was a welcome sequence. And there was an upsell of a 52 weekly newsletter templates. [00:08:33] So I you're getting people on your list. You're growing your list. Here's a weekly newsletter template you can use throughout the year. So you never have to think about what to write each week. I think is really great marketing. And then there was a further up sell from there of five more automations that you can use in your business now. It was a really, really logical sequence. [00:08:53] Now she asked for the sale, but it felt so logical and easy to say yes to. So I [00:09:00] think the freebie was the welcome sequence. I think the set 52 weekly newsletter templates was something like 11 pounds. And then I think the five automations are something like 37 pounds. So we're not going for, you know, big oh, hi. [00:09:13] Welcome to my world. Yeah. My program is six grand. We're saying, Hey, welcome to my world. If you like this, like, you're going to love this. And this is a great next step. Why don't you try this? This will make your life easier. And then, then she also had a membership for people who started doing and then wanted support. [00:09:29] So it was a really lovely offer stack. And I think it just showed really nicely that you don't have to ask for a big sale for people to experience what you offer, how you work, what it's like to work with. [00:09:42] You. Offering someone, a seven pound offer, which when they do it blows their mind can be a massive game changer in terms of trust and authority. So I'd absolutely recommend it. If you don't have any small ticket offers, have a think about what your lead magnet is and think about what would that next step be? [00:09:57] What would that small seven to 11 pound [00:10:00] off a B. Something really logical, like totally obvious next step. Cause that's going to really help you when you start to think about this golden thread. [00:10:08] Okay. So two simple changes you can make right now, the first one is in your lead magnet. Link a next step that is going to promote trust, authority and connection. Now it doesn't have to be paid. It could be a video where the next step from the lead, right. That okay. It could be. This is how you start, and then here's a video showing you how to do it, or here's a video with the next step. Now it absolutely could be paid as well. [00:10:30] Okay. But just make it super easy and simple. Think of that example. Welcome sequence. 52 weekly newsletter templates and then upsell of five more automations, like in that welcome sequence freebie which was just like a Google doc of the welcome sequence. There were links on almost probably every page to once you've set this up, make sure you get all 52 weekly newsletter templates, cause that's going to help you stay consistent throughout the year. [00:10:55] So just embed it, integrate it. Okay. We don't want to rely on people opening our emails and watching. [00:11:00] Instagram's and listening to our podcast. If we don't have to embed it into that initial lead magnet. And it will make such a difference. Just make sure, as I said, it's super easy. It's super simple. [00:11:11] It doesn't take a huge amount of time or effort on their part. In fact, if it saves them time, like giving them 52 weekly newsletter templates even better. And then the second simple change to make is in your welcome sequence for those first five emails. Prioritize sending people to places where they'll build connection with you, not sales pages. So this is different for everyone. [00:11:33] You could send them to an Instagram post that gave ready great value. A podcast episode that you know, was really popular and converted really well. A YouTube video, like anything that is value-based and absolutely sell in that cell at the end, but send them to something that has value for them as well as you try to sell to them. So, for example, I've got a brilliant one-to-one client at the moment and she gets pretty much all her one-to-one high ticket clients from her Instagram on her podcast. Now [00:12:00] has sales pages. [00:12:00] When I started working with her. They kind of just a sign up system. They'd just more like for ease. They don't, we speak to our cold audience. They take people who already know how they understand what she does. She's already agreed with them, what they're going to actually sign up to. And then they just go on there and kind of pay for it. So unsurprisingly, when in her welcome sequence, she sent people to those sales pages. [00:12:22] It didn't convert. So, what we've done as we've worked together is within her welcome sequence. We now send people to specific podcast episodes that we know convert really well. So we know if someone listens to it. She's going to give them incredible value, and then she's going to share how they can continue that with her. And they, we know they can vote really well. [00:12:40] We're also going to send them to Instagram lives, where she's interviewing clients. Who've had amazing results and also Instagram posts as well that have a lot of value and have converted well. So she knows that everywhere she sending people now they are absolutely going to convert because she is tested at time and time again with her organic audience. We've also then updated a sales pages. [00:12:59] So they do [00:13:00] speak to a cold audience as well. So if anyone does go on the sales page, They don't feel like they have to kind of go back and get to know her before they can then work with her. They can actually buy from the sales page. So those are two big changes we've made. And we haven't got this funnel live yet, but when it does go live, I have absolutely no doubt that it's going to absolutely fly. Okay. [00:13:20] So that is how to create an offer stack that has a golden thread running through it. The client can follow a move towards you with trust and connection and where each step feels totally obvious unlogical. Now tomorrow is the final day of this. Mini-series. Before the normal episodes, offline hard to see. Kick in on Tuesday next week. So we are going to be looking at the automated funnel fallacy and which elements of a funnel I recommend automating to save you time, but without feeling disconnected from your business. I look forward to seeing you then.

The Funnel Fallacy: The art of balancing automation with creating connection


Escape the Warm Audience Trap with Organic Content Strategies for Meta Ads Success